The rhubarb is floating to the top of the jar. Do I need to use weights to submerge them?

  • Posted by: Laura
  • May 15, 2024
Rhubarb Cordial
Recipe question for: Rhubarb Cordial


Amanda H. May 27, 2024
It should be ok but you can always put it in the fridge if you're worried.
702551 May 16, 2024
You might want to transfer to a larger jar and put a ziplock bag partly filled with vodka on top to submerge the rhubarb pieces. If the bag leaks or ruptures, you'll just dilute the infusion a little bit but no harm will come.

I do this when I'm making kimchi in a large jar; I fill the bag with 2.1% brine (same salinity as the kimchi itself) to ensure the ingredients are fully submerged since it's an anaerobic lactic acid fermentation.

Best of luck.
Amanda H. May 27, 2024
Cool tip -- thanks!
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