A question about a recipe: Zucchini Ribbon Quiche with Roasted Grape Tomatoes

I'm having friends over for brunch & we'll be taking a hike before we eat. I would love to prepare this in advance in the Springform Pan & stick it in the fridge until we get back (about 2-1/2 hours later). Then bake it. Is this asking too much of the Springform Pan & The Zucchini sides?

Blissful Baker


Blissful B. May 16, 2011
Great advice from both of you. Due to the zucchini sides, I like the bake ahead idea. Sometimes I just need people to tell me what I already know (but wish wasn't true). Thanks for being the voices of sense. ;-)
monkeymom May 15, 2011
If you want the zucchini to really be on the sides then I think you have to bake it right away. If it sits, the egg will really seep through and you'll get a more eggy side. It will probably taste fine though. You could also consider baking it beforehand. Then, when you get back rewarm it in a hot oven until it is warmed through.
aargersi May 15, 2011
I would worry about leakage - I would prep everything and store it in something other than the springform - then just pour and bake when you get home!!!
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