My husband & I have just been asked to be special guests in an "Annual Family Bake Off!" This year the theme in PIES!

The pies can be sweet or savory, it's up to the 12 contestants to decide! Not that it's extremely important, but we live in Australia and it is starting to get chilly here! The bake off is on the 13th of June - the Queens Birthday weekend, which we celebrate here in Oz!
Any of your delicious recipes will be much appreciated! I'll keep you posted on the outcome!

  • Posted by: ivy
  • May 23, 2011


Sam1148 May 26, 2011
Interesting question. One hand, you might want to stay traditional English style, but then you might want to branch out into something 'exotic' for your region.

Caribbean meat pies, Jamaican meat pies are excellent.
Or something from the Americas like a Mexican meat pie. (using lamb instead of ground beef).
That link is just a quick example, I don't like it from the list of ingredients. (canned cream of onion soup--Nooooo).

A Pecan pie from the American South would be nice if you can get pecans.

Cook Illustrated has a wonderful Deep Dish Chicago Pizza recipe that involved 'laminated the dough' folding rolling folding make the pie.
davesmall May 26, 2011
You can't go wrong with a classic French upside down carmelized pear tart. Here is a link
lapadia May 26, 2011
Hi ivy, here are my ideas, sounds like fun!
ChefJune May 23, 2011
I would make a Sweet Potato Pie. It's my all-time favorite dessert, and I have a great one on this site. You can search for it in the recipe section. And to make it "pretty," garnish it with jumbo pecan halves all around the perimeter.
ivy May 23, 2011
The judges say the definition of pie is...a baked dish of fruit, or meat and vegetables, typically with a top and base of pastry. – (Oxford Dictionary).........however, some would argue for a shepherd's pie or pizza pie!
Yes, I do probably think seasonal.....I have a yummy chicken pot pie on the savory side and then I've always loved the sour cream apple pie form Silver Palette....
nogaga May 23, 2011
It's getting chilly and its the Queen's weekend... you've got to go classic, no? I'd go for a Quiche Lorraine. For deliciousness and creamy classic it can't be beat.

Good luck!
nutcakes May 23, 2011
Hi Ivy, I am procrastinating going to bed so I will comment but I'm sure you will have more answers tomorrow. Your question is so open it begs more questions. Are there any rules (must have top and bottom crust or what?) Are you all special pie bakers to be selected, so do you have a special you are famous for? So you want a Winter or Fall pie to be seasonal?

p.s. My sister and her (Australian) husband recently moved to Sidney
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