Venison steaks - suggestions for cooking?

These are about 3/4 inch thick, plus there's a piece of what looks like tenderloin, so it's thicker. This was a gift from hunter, for whom I am cooking this. I have a good simple sauce with dried tart cherries. Just don't want to overcook the steaks. Thanks

  • Posted by: DebJ
  • June 6, 2011


DebJ June 6, 2011
will do...
boulangere June 6, 2011
I'd suggest 125 for a pulling it off the heat temp. You can always cook longer, but but can't uncook what is overcooked. Game meats have a narrow forgiveness window.
DebJ June 6, 2011
Thanks everyone. The hunter and significant other are here, so I will let you know how it comes out. Appreciate all the input!
shindig June 6, 2011
1) Sauce sounds perfect.
2) Make sure the steaks/tenderloin are trimmed. If not, remove fat, remove silverskin.
3) You can grill venison or cook it in the pan. To grill, brush with olive oil and season to taste. We're big on a Greek seasoning here, but use whatever compliments your sauce. To pan cook it, coat the pan with olive oil and get the oil hot. Be sure to blot excess liquid from the surface of the venison before putting it in the pan. Don't overcrowd the meat.
4) We like to shoot for an internal temperature of 140-150ºF, depending on personal preference. Over a medium to medium-high heat, with the thickness you've described, maybe 7-9 minutes on the first side, a little less on the second?
5) There are other more complex ways to cook it (marinades, etc.), but this is our standby. Hope you enjoy it.
hardlikearmour June 6, 2011
I'd go with a method like you'd use for pork tenderloin medallions (another lean cut.)
DebJ June 6, 2011
Thanks folks. Now what about cooking method. They are very lean. Pan roast/saute?
SKK June 6, 2011
I am with pierino on this. The cut sounds like you could do medallions of venison with huckleberry sauce and some pears. Or roasted apples.
pierino June 6, 2011
Cherries are a damn good idea. I've used them before in a braised venison dish. And in fact I've tasted it in Italy prepared that way. But it is a lean meat so settle into a slow cooking time. Skipping the cherry part you could also combine rosemary and juniper berries.
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