Recipe uses 1/2 $ 1/2 plus 2% milk in equal parts. Is that whole milk?

I'm trying a recipe for a cornbread bake. The milk is mixed with egg and poured over the cornbread. Likely it is forgiving, but I only have Heavy Whipping cream, Organic whole milk and.2% milk. My brain is fuzzy this morning so I'd appreciate help figuring out what to use.



nutcakes June 10, 2011
Oh dear, I made a mistake with the 12%--that was % daily value. it is 150 calories per cup, 80 from fat
drbabs June 10, 2011
I think it will be fine.
hardlikearmour June 10, 2011
I'd say it's close enough, though if it has 12% butterfat I'd call it half-and-half!
nutcakes June 10, 2011
Thanks, both of you make sense. I'd like to use the whole milk as much as possible since it is nice organic milk and short dated. It is 12 %, so higher than the mix called for Do you think it would it be fine just to use the whole milk for a custard anyway? I've got some drowsy making pills in me.
hardlikearmour June 10, 2011
Half & half is about 10-18% butterfat. Assuming an average of 14% plus 2% milk in equal portions gives you about 8% butterfat. Heavy cream is about 36% butter fat so to get to 8% using the 2% milk plus the heavy cream you will want to use about a 1 to 4 ratio of heavy cream to 2% milk. So for each cup of liquid that would be about 3 T of heavy cream and 13 T of 2% per cup.
drbabs June 10, 2011
You could substitute 1/2 whole milk and 1/2 heavy cream for the half-and-half.
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