Can it be made ahead and if so, how far in advance?

Recipe question for: Tangy Creamy Buttermilk Cucumbers


BelleEtoile June 15, 2011
Thank you all for your suggestions! I think the consensus is not to slice the cucumbers too far ahead. I made this salad last year and it was a big hit. We've added an Italian Creme cake to the menu (along with homemade Ice cream) and I've never made one. Does anyone have a great recipe? Should I move this question to another section. This is the first time I've used this forum!
Droplet June 14, 2011
I would sincerely advice against slicing the cucumbers early, but if there isn't any other dish you can help yourself with in advance, then store the cucmbers in the coldest possible part of the refrigerator.
susan G. June 12, 2011
Another possibility to reduce the liquid from the cucumber is to salt the slices, rinse and dry when you add the dressing.
drbabs June 12, 2011
Sounds like a great menu--have fun! I hope you have beautiful weather.
BelleEtoile June 12, 2011
Great suggestion. I'm throwing a birthday party for my mother -- 83rd. I plan to grill catfish and make a selection of salads people can choose: cucumber, orange/olive, roasted potatoes with mint and garlic, green bean, chick pea and tomato and mozzarella. Folks can choose what they like and I won't have to worry about timing side dishes. (25 or so guests) What I working on is how much I can get done before next Saturday! looks like I'll be up early!
drbabs June 12, 2011
I think I'd cut up the vegetables and store them separately and make the dressing and store it separately, then toss it all together an hour before serving. Cucumbers throw off a lot of liquid; I'd be afraid it would get too watery if I left it for too long.
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