What are the best fish/wood chips to use in a stovetop smoker?
Helen's A.July 29, 2011
There are many types of wood available for stove top smokers. Everyone has their own taste, so try a few and experiment. You'll find one you like. Have fun!
Steven R.July 29, 2011
Cherry wood sawdust. Once did a blind taste test: same cured salmon stovetop smoked with 8 different woods. Cherry was the hands down favorite.
KaleHogJune 25, 2011
Oh man. I would go with hickory and salmon. I smoked some blueback salmon a few weeks ago and it was amazing. I wrote about it here www.kalehog.com. We used a small grill but the recipe we followed was for a stovetop smoker. Good luck!!
pierinoJune 25, 2011
For most fish I would go with either cherry or applewood. And be sure to use firm fillet's of which ever fish you are smoking.
gravygirl45June 25, 2011
When I bought my stovetop smoker years ago, I also purchased several different "flavors" of chips from the manufacturer: alderwood, hickory, applewood, cherry and a few others. This small smoker requires a sawdust-type of chip, probably available in big-cart, Home Depot, Lowe's and hardware stores. You can simply experiment or surf the net for recipes for compatible chip "flavors" and food types. One example is to use hickory chips with pork for BBQ.
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