Natural Butter Flavoring - good or bad?

I recently came across a recipe that calls for natural butter flavoring. Does it actually enhance flavor or taste fake? Any brand recommendations - or can you substitute real butter?



innoabrd July 3, 2011
As I spend summer here in the US, I am amazed at the stuff I see people eating and buying to eat. Much of it does not, in my opinion, qualify as food. Butter is food. Butter Flavouring? Um...not food.
Hummusit July 3, 2011
Isn't "natural" and "flavoring" a contradiction? Anything "butter flavored" that I've ever tried usually tastes more like butter than butter itself, making it too much.
wssmom June 30, 2011
Some of the recipes I used years ago while on Weight Watchers called for a product called Butter Buds, which, according to its website, contains: Maltodextrin (a natural carbohydrate derived from corn), salt, natural butter flavor, rice starch, butter, soybean lecithin, annatto and turmeric. Each teaspoon had five calories and was equal to two teaspoons of real butter (67 calories).
Panfusine June 30, 2011
the best natural butter flavoring is obtained by melting a stick of pure golden yellow BUTTAH!
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