large quantity of tomatoes

My neighbor gifted me with 25 LBS (nice, right?) Of nearly ripe beefsteak tomatoes...there are two of us at home-that's too many for us to eat!! I don't own canning equipment, and need ideas of how to utilize them. I typically use san marzanos (canned) for my marinara sauce, but will these work? Any ideas and suggestions are appreciated! Happy 4th of July to all in the U.S.!

  • Posted by: MQuad
  • July 4, 2011


Sam1148 July 5, 2011
I too like Boulangere's idea of drying them.

I prefer those for pizza as they don't have liquid that can make a soggy pizza.
Also great in salads with a blue cheese dressing.
Here's Thomas Keller's Ad Hoc recipe for a salad with blue cheese dressing and dried tomatoes.
SKK July 5, 2011
What a lovely problem! Boulangere's idea to dry your tomatoes is a great one. I do a lot of canning and much prefer the flavor of the dried tomatoes. Canning takes the flavor out, except when canning pasta sauce.
Emily H. July 5, 2011
Here's my recommendation: ask around and see if you have a friend who is a canner. With some help, the two of you could spend the afternoon canning tomatoes. You send them off with some jars in thanks, and you have tomatoes to eat over the winter. Absolutely worth the effort!
Bevi July 5, 2011
If you have good fish available, I would like to offer up my recipe:

You will use quite a few tomatoes, and it is a lovely, delicious dish!
sdebrango July 5, 2011
That ketchup sounds great nogaga!
nogaga July 5, 2011
PS: you have a charming neighbor!
nogaga July 5, 2011
You can make jars of home-made ketchup, which is a real revelation, spicy and complex and profound, ( or go for another great keeper, tomato relish. This is a great recipe for it: I have a big jar of this in my fridge right now!
ecoteri July 5, 2011
Over the last while I have learned the tomato seeds and skins realllllllly ought to be removed. boil the tomatoes for 1 minute or so, chuck into a sink full of cold water, peel (easy when you get familiar with what looks ready) then cut in half along the equator and squish out the seeds. seeds are nasty and bitter if you keep them (took me a few years to accept that the extra squeezy step was WELLLLLLL worth it. then, dear one, freeze the mess if you have no canning ability. or burble into sauce, or mae something fresh and creative. and know that us northerners, early July, are envious of your fresh tomato richness!!!
RobertaJ July 5, 2011
To use fresh, make a panzanella salad ! My favorite (well one of my favorite) ways to eat drop-dead ripe tomatoes. There's a million techniques for it, but it's based on dried bread cubes, tomatoes, maybe a cucumber, olives, garlic, herbs and a vinaigrette dressing. Great way to use up bread as well. And very filling. Plus no cook !

A no cook pasta sauce is also great. Chop the tomatoes and toss them into a bowl with some garlic, some olive oil, some herbs and some cheese. For an Italian flavor, use torn fresh basil, and cubed fresh mozzarella. For a Southwest touch, use cilantro, Monterrey Jack and toss in a minced jalapeno. Add S&P to both, and let sit at room temperature for about 1/2 an hour. Cook some pasta, drain, return it to the pot. Dump the tomato mix over the pasta, cover and let sit for about 5 minutes to warm it and melt the cheese. Add some grated Parmesan if you like. It's really good.
boulangere July 4, 2011
We often find ourselves with a bounty of one vegetable or another. When it's tomatoes, we cut off the tops, quarter, then toss with olive oil, salt and pepper. Then we spread then out on baking sheets and roast until nicely caramelized at 350 degrees. Cool, freeze flat in ziplock bags. Ready for something else at some point in the future. Summer in a bag.
susan G. July 4, 2011
It you'd like to make sauce, you can freeze it. Zip lock bags work really well to store it. The tomatoes would be peeled, or sieved after cooking. They have more juice in them than the canned tomatoes, so you would cook it down to the right consistency.
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