Where to find Wondra flour in NYC?

Want to make the genius fish recipe and my usual store (Fairway) doesn't have it and it's too hot to be hunting the neighborhood for it.

  • Posted by: allie
  • July 22, 2011


Amanda H. July 22, 2011
Apologies for the spam -- we're working to track it down.
nogaga July 22, 2011
Thank you, MrsKeller :)
MrsKeller July 22, 2011
I'm not sure about that Nogaga, but it is readily available on Amazon

nogaga July 22, 2011
Does anyone know if Wondra is sold outside the US?
Peter July 22, 2011
Too funny. I saw your question and clicked in to say that I bought my little blue canister of magic at the Fairway at Red Hook.

Are you sure Fairway didn't have it? Did you ask and describe the container? As you've likely discovered, they tend to have similar products in different parts of the store. for example, honey is in 3 or even 4 completely different sections. Baking supplies are in 2 places (or 4 depending on how you count chocolate chips -- they're in 4 places. 5 if you count the organic section.)
Kristen M. July 22, 2011
Whole Foods near me didn't carry it -- Key Foods to the rescue! Check the baking aisle of whatever big, standard grocery store you're closest to.
Brette W. July 22, 2011
You can get it at pretty much any supermarket - I got some at my local D'agostinos.
Panfusine July 22, 2011
You should be able to find it alongside the all purpose flour at the local whole foods or even food emporium.
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