I'm looking for suggestions about how to plate braised lamb shanks. I used to be able to get small ones that made a nice individual portion. Now they all seem to be 1.5 lbs. which is a bit much. I will serve them with the tomato/mirepoix/fennel sauce on soft polenta and I need an attractive way to divide them up for plating.
If there are other suggestions, I'm open!
If you and your dining companions don't eat caveman portions, you can present the shanks like this:
Place the shanks on the table in front of you, have a stack of warmed plates to the left and have the bowl of polenta to the right of the shanks (if you're right-handed). Hold a plate in your left hand, plop some polenta on it with a flourish, use a serving spoon to cut a portion of lamb from the shank, place it atop the polenta, sprinkle with gremolata (optional) or parsley (optional) and pass the plate to the first guest.
Once everyone is served, scoot the platter of shank bones to the middle of the table and encourage your guests to fight for any marrow that they might contain.