Can Marcella Hazans genius tomato sauce be made with cherry tomatoes..& can it be canned for future use & gifting?

indulged in an Impulse purchase.. ~3/4 bushel of organic cherry tomatoes from my local farm for $10, Already made a huge batch of Indian tomato relish..Cant bear to see a single fruit go waste!!

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Here is a link to click on that will take you to a great factsheet on canning tomatoes and other tomato products.
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I do not know the reciipe that started this question, but reading Syronai's response indicates that there is "butter" in the recipe. This creates a problem in canning something to be stored on a shelf, also you need to add "acid" such as lemon juice or lime juice to any canned tomato products because the pH of tomatoes is not as high as it use to be...not even in Heirlooms. Please FREEZE this recipe if you want to make it with the tomatoes of the season as canning it is not safe. Please also note that canned items when theyl "seal" with that famous "ping" sound does indicat that they are sealed but it does not indict that the product is safe to consume after being stored on the shelf if the recipe and the processing were not tested and followed.
beyondcelery September 15, 2011
I made the sauce a few weeks ago and canned it using a water bath. I used vegan butter instead of real butter, because of all the vegans and dairy-allergic people I know. It hasn't turned any odd colors or anything and certainly looks safe. But I haven't opened any of the cans to check it. They all popped as they should. Do you think I shouldn't taste it, since it's had ample time to grow bacteria? The sauce with heirloom tomatoes seemed acidic enough, but I've never canned a tomato sauce before. Now you all make me a little worried.
ChefJune September 15, 2011
You surely can freeze the sauce. And I can't imagine why you couldn't can it for gifting.
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To find out how to can your tomatoes just type in the following words into your SEARCH engine for safe and reserached recipes to use.
Type: State University Extension and canning cherry tomaotes
Panfusine September 14, 2011
@ sdebrango: the farm has soft tomatoes that i regularly pick to make tomato chutney.
these were @ their peak of perfection apart from10-12 soft ones, , Thanks amanda for the fabulous recipe of mozzarella with roast cherry was marvellous, paired with fresh picked basil!
sdebrango September 14, 2011
Saturday when I was at the farmers market they had bushels of soft tomatoes, mixed varieties for $5. I am kicking myself now for not lugging a bushel of those babies home. I was on foot with no basket. Tomato envy!!
Panfusine September 14, 2011
thanks everyone..apart from the canned chutney, Kitchen smells delicious with 4 trays of roasted cherry tomatoes , plan to blend some into a sauce ( winging it, probably with some herbes de provence), and the rest to be savored with mozzarella, a la Amanda Hesser.
mainecook61 September 14, 2011
Cherry tomatoes make delicious chutney, if the sauce doesn't use them all up.
sdebrango September 14, 2011
I never thought of vacuum sealing the sauce what a great idea wssmom!
wssmom September 14, 2011
I have very successfully used cherry tomatoes in the sauce, like sdebrango, and have a few vacuum sealed pouches in the freezer ready to break out in February!
sdebrango September 14, 2011
I would freeze it, I am no expert on preserving food in any way shape or form but I have frozen tomato sauce successfully.
Panfusine September 14, 2011
Thanks sdebrango.. will freezing a batch work I wonder..
sdebrango September 14, 2011
I made this sauce with cherry tomatoes and it was wonderful. Can't speak about the canning issue as I have never canned anything and I am sure one of our resident experts will weigh in but I would think the butter could be an issue.
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