whats your favorite muffin or scone receipe. needs to be on the dry not sweet variety, and on the fiber healthy side..

nuts a good thing!

  • Posted by: sheredel
  • September 14, 2011


saragrad September 18, 2011
I second the Honey Oat Muffins by Spike Mendelssohn! They taste great and are full of good-for-you ingredients. To make them a little healthier, I add fruit like blueberries or raspberries, and instead of all-purpose flour, I use whole grain spelt or barley flour to no detriment. Also, to make them sugar free, I use maple syrup. A very versatile recipe IMO.
saragrad September 18, 2011
I second the Honey Oat Muffins by Spike Mendelssohn! They taste great and are full of good-for-you ingredients. To make them a little healthier, I add fruit like blueberries or raspberries, and instead of all-purpose flour, I use whole grain spelt or barley flour to no detriment. Also, to make them sugar free, I use maple syrup. A very versatile recipe IMO.
saragrad September 18, 2011
I second the Honey Oat Muffins by Spike Mendelssohn! They taste great and are full of good-for-you ingredients. To make them a little healthier, I add fruit like blueberries or raspberries, and instead of all-purpose flour, I use whole grain spelt or barley flour to no detriment. Also, to make them sugar free, I use maple syrup. A very versatile recipe IMO.
la D. September 16, 2011
I've made these honey oat muffins several times. The recipe is by Spike Mendelsohn and he calls for rolled oats, whole wheat flour, and all-purpose flour. The muffins are moist and just the right amount of sweet- my go to for healthy muffin cravings.
Joanne C. September 16, 2011
Flour has a bran muffin that is so good we call it "addictive bran muffin" bcse that's exactly what it is. It has golden raisins and a little molasses, a lot of bran and millet too. I have the recipe in my book Flour (http://www.amazon.com/Flour-Spectacular-Recipes-Bostons-Bakery/dp/081186944X/ref=zg_bs_4196_24?_encoding=UTF8&zgs=books&zgrt=top-sellers&zgid=4196) and I also found this variation online on this blog (http://aplumbyanyothername.blogspot.com/2011/04/he-aint-heavy-hes-my-bran-muffin.html).
beyondcelery September 15, 2011
These are my favorite:

They're gluten-free. It's the addition of teff flour and almond meal that makes them so hearty and nutritious. You could add both of those to a recipe with gluten flour and they'd have a similar effect. I've also made them cutting the sugar down to 60g and they're still delicious!
sheredel September 15, 2011
thank you everyone!
nutcakes September 15, 2011
I love these carrot muffins, makes 18. You can certainly sub in some whole wheat flour or fiber, and certainly replace 1/4 of the oil, at least, using applesauce or something.
drbabs September 14, 2011
Thanks wssmom! This is an easier version of those bran muffins. http://www.food52.com/recipes/6488_honeyoatbran_muffins_for_my_honey
hardlikearmour September 14, 2011
This is a sweet scone, but it has red lentils so increased fiber and protein. http://www.food52.com/recipes/8570_orange_spice_dried_cherry_scones
Grandma K. September 14, 2011
I've been making Maple Oatmeal Scones from the Food Network. They are delicious. Never need additional butter or jelly and hold up for days just covered with food wrap.
sdebrango September 14, 2011
I have not tried this but plan on it,dabblings uber healthy and fast muffin
wssmom September 14, 2011
This is one of my faves from boulangere: http://www.food52.com/recipes/12558_double_corn_quinoa_cheddar_muffins
And drbabs' healthy muffins are great, too:
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