A question about a recipe: butternut squash noodle kugel

I have a question about the ingredient "Small container sour cream" on the recipe "butternut squash noodle kugel" from DUZE.

What size qualifies as a small container of sour cream and ricotta? 1 cup or more?

  • Posted by: janerac
  • September 25, 2011
butternut squash noodle kugel
Recipe question for: butternut squash noodle kugel


linchan77 September 25, 2011
i think the small containers are 15 oz. i have not seen ricotta in smaller containers than that. sour cream comes in smaller containers though, 8 oz i think.
ATG117 September 25, 2011
I can't imagine it would be more than 8 ounces. I'd be tempted to say 6. But I'd eye it. You're not baking, so there's definitely room for experimentation. You're looking for a nice ratio between egg noodles and the "custard," leaning towards a bit more "custard than egg noodles, but not so much that the egg noodles are drowning.
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