Whole Trout

A kind soul recently gave me a fresh-caught and stunningly gorgeous whole rainbow trout. It's huge. Like 4.5-5 lbs huge. I want to do something with it this weekend and would welcome suggestions for preparing it in a way that would leave it whole.

  • Posted by: Niknud
  • September 27, 2011


Niknud September 27, 2011
It was frozen immediately after being caught and dressed. These are all really great ideas and I've got a few days before the weekend (sniff sniff), so keep the posibilities coming!
hardlikearmour September 27, 2011
@ Pierino - nice catch! (pun intended.) You should definitely cook it soon! Remember fresh fish (and visitors) stink after 3 days!
pierino September 27, 2011
This weekend is a long way away. Cook it tonight.
aargersi September 27, 2011
I love cedar planking whole fish:

ChefJune September 27, 2011
I was also lucky to be gifted with some freshly caught trout this summer. Although not as big as yours, my favorite thing I did to them was rub all over with salt and pepper, Line the insides with thinly sliced lemon and lay a couple of julienned scallions in, too, along with a sprig of fresh tarragon. Drizzle with good olive oil before and after roasting for 8-10 minutes at 375 degrees F.
hardlikearmour September 27, 2011
Whole fish baked in salt: http://www.food52.com/recipes/2462_whole_baked_fish_in_sea_salt_with_parsley_gremolata
wssmom September 27, 2011
mrswheelbarrow has a lovely recipe for whole trout on our food52 site:

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