Any way to pre-mix muffins so I can make them the next morning? Any other delicious, easy, prep-able breakfasts?

I like my sleep, but I also like good breakfasts... Any way to balance the two out?

  • Posted by: nka2
  • September 29, 2011


nutcakes October 2, 2011
These Donut Muffins are insanely good the day they are made but the batter will keep in the fridge for 3 days so you can mix them up at night. Baked up they will last a couple of days. They are from Fine Cooking Mag:

I have seen Bran Muffin recipes that can stay mixed up in the fridge for quite some time. You might google areound for that. Otherwise I do as above and mix the dry in a bowl left on the counter. Then mix the wet except for the eggs and refrigerate, even grease the pans. Mixes up quick the next morning.

You can make breakfast burritos and freeze individually for the microwave or toaster oven, but they are easy enough to make on the spot. Put all the ingredients in one place in the fridge and cook bacon, if you are using it, ahead of time.
ATG117 October 2, 2011
Along the lines of a strata, you can make any type of breakfast bread pudding. Use your favorite bread pudding custard recipe and custard to bread ratio, and mix in whatever floats your boat. In a similar vein would be a breakfast bread pudding. Ina Garten has a good recipe for this-- alleviates the hassle of individually cooking french toast slices, and again, you can put everything together the night before. Leave in the fridge and cook through the next morning. You can macerate fruit in some sugar and lemon juice over night in the fridge to be spooned over waffles or pancakes, the batter of which you can make the night before as well. Or make a comp compound butter by mixing herbs, cinnamon and sugar, or some preserves into your butter. Serve with a good quality bread.
leslim September 30, 2011
You could make this recipe:
wssmom September 29, 2011
Frittatas can be made the nigh before and heated up gently, or even eaten cold.

Stratas can be prepared the evening before; here are a few from food52

This is a very yummy, special occasion-type breakfas that can be done ahead:
Ophelia September 29, 2011
The above advice is spot on.
Why not make muffins the night before? In an airtight container they keep really well and all you have to do is warm one or two up in the microwave with some butter.

Scrambled eggs with pre-cooked bacon chunks (buy ends and pieces and cook them in a big batch on the weekend to use during the week) is a good, fast breakfast. Full fat yoghurt with frozen fruit makes a really nice breakfast too, low-fat tends to leave me feeling hungry about an hour later.
beyondcelery September 29, 2011
Mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl and leave it covered overnight. When you get up, all you'll need to do is mix in the wet ingredients while you wait for the oven to heat! Also, muffins keep well in the fridge in an airtight container for at least 3-4 days. Just heat them a little in the microwave or toaster oven in the morning and they're nearly like fresh-baked.
AntoniaJames September 29, 2011
Mix the dry ingredients in a large bowl. Mix the wet ingredients in a large measuring cup with a pouring spout or a batter bowl with a handle and cover with plastic wrap. Refrigerate. Take the wet ingredients out first thing in the morning, then pre-heat your oven. While it's heating, prepare your muffin tin. Mix the wet ingredients into the dry, then pop them into the muffin tin. Your oven should be just about hot enough. Bake and enjoy! ;o)
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