I'm looking for good brunch casseroles. Its my turn to host brunch for a crowd at work with a friend and am supposed to make an egg casserole and a potato one. I have two recipes I usually use - a spinach egg casserole I like and an egg casserole with italian sausage and sundried tomatoes. But I want to try a new recipe this time. Any suggestions?



lapadia October 28, 2010
Hi...Eggs Benedict Casserole is a good one, check it out:

askann October 27, 2010
This is a standby for me. Sometime I play with different veggies and herbs. I usually put some parmesan on top.

For something a little different from the usual brunch fare, I'd suggest this. It does take some more work because of roasting the chiles.
Kayb October 27, 2010
I vote frittata as well. Here's my favorite: http://kayatthekeyboard.wordpress.com/2009/01/23/friday-night-triumph/
mrslarkin October 26, 2010
I love frittatas. Lots of recipes for these in the food52 archives. Also check out the Spanish version, Tortillas, made with potatoes. So delicious. I do a potato/spinach one and it's really tasty. Make these ahead, serve warm or room temp. Different than an egg casserole, but equally delicious.
mklug October 26, 2010
My mother makes some wonderful thing that's basically cheese, eggs, and artichoke hearts...she just got it off the internet.
innoabrd October 26, 2010
I like doing frittatas for much the same reasons betteirene cites. My current favorite includes sauteed leeks and zucchini and pickled fish. The pickled fish is a readily available item here in south africa, slightly pickled firm white fish with onions and a 'curry' flavour. Yummy, but probably wouldn't bother if I couldn't just go to the store and buy pickled fish!
Sadassa_Ulna October 26, 2010
My mom used to make a sausage and egg "bake" (i.e. casserole) for a Christmas brunch, with bread cubes and red bell pepper. it cut nicely into squares and the bread cubes made it light and fluffy, almost like a savory bread pudding? I will see if I can find it. . .
alitris October 26, 2010
Our family has a Christmas morning casserole that I've served for brunches that's always a hit. Cook enough bacon in a skillet to crumble & cover the surface area of a 9x13. Pour the bacon grease in the dish, and add the base of shredded potatoes (frozen hash browns, thawed or cooked shredded potatoes). Season the potatoes well. Beat 6-8 eggs, add s/p, and a little milk (like for scrambled eggs) & we add minced onion & finely diced peppers, and pour over the potatoes. Top with shredded cheddar & reserved crumbled bacon, and bake at 350 for at 35 - 45 min, more or less based on the frozen or thawed state of your potatoes. Check the middle for doneness - the egg should be set. It's a sentimental family favorite & holds its heat, so easily transportable.
pierino October 26, 2010
To me, Pierino, this is beginning to sound like a buffet line issue and not casserole at all, except that it might be served that way. A frittata is not a casserole it's an omelet, but it could be served up out of casseroles. Same thing for potatoes. Do you need a gratin? Say, potato, celery root, onion, cheese? I'm just trying to figure out the serving and plating rules.
pierino October 26, 2010
I'm a little confused here, as the term "casserole" actually refers to the baking dish itself, not the contents. But obviously this is now open to wide interpretation. Should we just toss the term casserole out the window and refer to egg or potato baked dishes?
Elizabeth December 19, 2019
Bless your heart. You obviously aren't from around here. A casserole is a meal in a dish. Who cares what the baking dish is called.
Elizabeth December 19, 2019
Learn to pronounce
noun: casserole; plural noun: casseroles

a kind of stew or side dish that is cooked slowly in an oven.
verb: casserole; 3rd person present: casseroles; past tense: casseroled; past participle: casseroled; gerund or present participle: casseroling

drbabs October 26, 2010
I like making strata when I have company. I prepare it the night before and put it in the oven in the morning. This recipe is my basic one; I've varied the vegetables and cheeses to great success. http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/Spinach-and-Cheese-Strata-107754
anyone October 26, 2010
You could always look at quiche recipes to get ideas. Quiche larraine is always popular because the main ingredients are bacon and swiss cheese and onion. I expanded on quiche lorriane to get my friends to eat it (men on a hunting trip). I use bacon, chedder, cripy potatoes and carmelized onions for the main ingredients.

Here's a standard quiche lorraine recipe: Minus pie dough.

12 slices bacon
1 cup shredded Swiss cheese
1/3 cup minced onion
4 eggs, beaten
2 cups cream (whole milk will work)
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon white sugar
1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper

Preheat oven to 425F
Place bacon in a large skillet, and fry over medium-high heat until crisp. Drain on paper towels, then chop coarsely. Sprinkle bacon, cheese and onion into pastry shell.
In a bowl, whisk together eggs, cream, salt, sugar and cayenne pepper. Pour mixture into pastry shell.
Bake 15 minutes in the preheated oven. Reduce heat to 300F and bake an additional 30 minutes, or until a knife inserted 1 inch from edge comes out clean
Let cool before dividing
betteirene October 26, 2010
A frittata is a casserole. I love serving them because they don't have to be served hot: Serving them at warm or room temp is not only expected, it's preferred. Depending on the ingredients used, they're colorful, and if you remember that it will probably be served upside-down, you can artfully arrange vegetables on the bottom of the skillet before carefully pouring in the eggs. There are thousands of recipes, but you don't need a recipe as much as you need to know the technique(s).

Here's the basic one:

Ina Garten does a mixture of eggs, potatoes, gruyere, ricotta and basil that is baked: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/ina-garten/potato-basil-frittata-recipe/index.html

The hot-off-the-press "The Essential New York Times Cook Book" by Amanda-- and Merrill--has a different take on frittata-making by Lidia Bastianich: With Swiss chard, scalllions and ricotta, it starts on the stove and finishes in the oven. You'll have to either get the book or search the archives at nytimes.com for the recipe.

You can use any of these recipes as a starting point, but another reason I love making frittatas for crowds is that I can adapt any recipe to the ingredients I have on hand. No cheese? No problem. Someone hate onions? Leave them out. They're very (excuse me for using my two favorite kitchen f-words) flexible and forgiving.
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