Ghirardelli Brownie recipe question

I really like the taste and consistency of the recipe on the back of the canister of Ghirardelli Sweet Ground Chocolate and Cocoa

But I don't have any of that. Has anyone ever made a cobbled up version?



hardlikearmour October 4, 2011
Since the brownie recipe doesn't call for baking soda, regular cocoa will likely work fine. I say give it a go! The worst that happens is it doesn't come out to your liking.
nutcakes October 4, 2011
Thanks hardlikearmour, I will try it, but I don't have dutched.

boulangerie - I took a look but I am reluctant to try new brownie recipes since I'm particular about the texture and I don't like the inside to be too wet/raw as many seem to like.
hardlikearmour October 4, 2011
The sweet ground chocolate and cocoa contains dutched (alkalized) cocoa, so I would use a dutched cocoa for the substitute.
hardlikearmour October 4, 2011
From the Ghiradelli website

"Ghirardelli Sweet Ground Chocolate and Cocoa and Ghirardelli Unsweetened Premium Cocoa: For 1 cup of Ghirardelli Sweet Ground Chocolate and Cocoa, use 1/2 cup Unsweetened Premium Cocoa and 1/2 cup sugar. Mix together prior to adding to the recipe."
boulangere October 4, 2011
It's a packaged product, and there's really no practical way to make it yourself. Maybe take a look at this one and see if these ingredients match your pantry:
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