how do I make a nice and easy hollandaise sauce? Never made one before!
pierinoOctober 8, 2011
I do it the old fashioned way over a double boiler. And you have to work in the melted butter a drizzle at a time.
ChefJuneOctober 8, 2011
I do the above in my food processor. And no one will know unless you tell them! ;-D
sdebrangoOctober 8, 2011
Wssmom is right I do like it lemony a tbs is the appropriate amount and warming the blender is a very good idea.
wssmomOctober 8, 2011
I am with sdebrango; blender hollandaise is the fastest, easiest way to make it! I use a little bit less lemon juice (about a tablespoon), and you might want to warm the blender container with hot water before starting, then dry it thoroughly before proceeding.
sdebrangoOctober 8, 2011
I make it in the blender, an egg yolk, salt and pepper and juice of a lemon, whir in the blender. Melt a stick of butter and with the blender on add the butter slowly through the hole in the cap of blender When it reaches desired consistency turn it off. I know the proper way is whisking over simmering water but I do it the easy way. I also make a super easy mock hollandaise using mascarpone.
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