Can you freeze almond milk?

Caught a sale at Whole Foods and ended up with 2 half gallons of unsweetened almond milk for $4. Great for smoothies, but even a smoothie a day will take a while to get through a 1/2 gallon. Can I freeze one for later?

Burnt Offerings


Droplet October 11, 2011
Burnt O. October 10, 2011
Syronai - that is an awesome suggestion! I'll try that. I'm also going to try making chai tea with it instead of regular milk, and Droplet - yes, I think there are some pumpkin pancakes with almond milk in our near future!
JessicaBakes October 10, 2011
What a great suggestion, syronai!
beyondcelery October 10, 2011
Freeze it in ice cube trays and then you can blend it into smoothies instead of ice, or thaw it out for baking. This way, the fat ends up distributed more evenly instead of separating as it freezes. I've found that 4 ice cubes thaw out to about 1/4 cup. I do this for coconut milk too and it works great.
Droplet October 10, 2011
You could also use it for pancakes or soup...
JessicaBakes October 10, 2011
I have found that smoothies freeze okay, but I don't really like how almond milk freezes as I find it gets a bit too watery and separates a bit. I'd recommend making your smoothies (individually, otherwise you'll be stuck with one massive smoothie) and defrosting for maybe an hour (depending on how icy you like them) before consuming. Enjoy!
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