How do I comment on this feature?

I tried to answer SKK and got an error message. I have no idea if the error will persist because I do not have time to type answers over.

I do not like the layout of Hotline. The Recently Asked and Recently Answered is gone. There is too much white space on that darned page and too few questions visible at one time. This makes it hard to skim to find questions that need answering. Plus 3 repeats of the same question by the same person - in a row - is really a waste of space! Once is enough.

Also, the home page used to have a congratulations to the Foodpickler of the week. The new one does not. And on the Hotline, I could not figure out how to see that. Being as how I received a message that I was chosen Foodpickler of the week, it would have been nice to see that on the site. How do we congratulate each other for something that is not announced? Is that feature going to go away?

  • 1 Comment

1 Comment

Amanda H. October 12, 2011
The repetition of questions on the page is either a bug or a speed issue that's causing people to click "add" more than once. We're working on all of this and we appreciate your patience, as it will take several weeks to work out all the kinks. As for the Foodpickler of the week not being on the home page, it's not necessarily gone forever. We selected certain content to feature on that page for launch, and we plan to tweak it a lot over the coming months. We are noting everyone's feedback on hotline and will make fixes over time, just as we did with Foodpickle. Thanks so much for your thoughts -- don't hesitate to let us know if you notice anything else!
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