I had a feeling I might hear from you. I have a few roasts. Haven't unwrapped them yet - for that matter, I haven't even thawed them yet, so I don't know what they look like. Thanks for the tips. If the results are interesting, I'll post them. Thanks very much, Tom.
I have worked with it a fair amount. Not much different the most game meats in that it is lean and needs to be cooked no more than a med rare or at most barely medium. I have always found it to be tasty but not something I search out. Seems to be about three cuts that you see and can find. If you ever get your hands on musk ox though you have hit nirvana, stuff is tasty tasty tasty.
Hi Boulangere, Ihave not worked with it and ate a lot of it in South Africa and loved it. It is very low fat and cooks quite quickly. Love to see what you are planning for it.