As a busy working mama, I want to make the most of my slow cooker? Anyone have some fab recipes they love to use with their slow cooker? Thanks so much!

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sarah K. June 4, 2011
I've recently discovered crock-pot cooking (I was a longtime snob, thinking it was just a lazy way out of learning how to cook properly, so sad!) and really enjoy the fact that your kitchen doesn't heat up like it does with an oven or stovetop on full blast. I've found a lot of recipes that are basically just tossing in some veggies, then some meat, spices, and maybe a little liquid, then cooking all day with no supervision, and you have this amazingly tender meat at the end of the day. Also, when you roast bone-in meats, you can save the bones or carcasses, toss in the crock-pot with onions and a bunch of water, and have perfect, luscious broth the next day.
Fairmount_market June 4, 2011
I love cooking bean dishes in my slow cooker. The beans don't require any pre-soaking this way and they come out wonderfully flavored from their long, gentle cooking. I often prepare something in the evening after the kids are in bed and let it cook overnight (I have a slow cooker with a timer), then warm it up after work for dinner the next day. Here are a couple of recipes I've created for slow cooker bean dishes:
CookinloveCc October 18, 2010
Thank you so very much ladies for the great tips!! I can't WAIT to try these recipes out! :) Thanks again!
dancing K. October 18, 2010
Check out this site really good suggestions.
drbabs October 18, 2010
What a cutie! There are great slow cooker recipes on this site. (Put slow cooker or crockpot in the search engine.) I used to make stuffed cabbage in a sweet and sour sauce in a slow cooker. (I'd have to find the recipe.) But this one is one of the most creative uses I've seen, and it got me addicted to steel cut oats:
Serene October 18, 2010
Our favorite slow-cooker recipe is to put in a couplefew pounds of country-style pork ribs, a jar of sauerkraut (don't drain or rinse it), a chopped apple, and a chopped onion. Cook it all day on low or 4-6 hours on high. It stops tasting like sauerkraut, so even the kraut lovers in my family like this. It's really odd, but delicious.
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