Enter contest

I am somewhat patiently trying to enter a recipe in the Roast contest. When I go to the Contests page and click on the orange ball that says Enter Contest, here is where it takes me:
Are you going to extend the deadline, by any chance?



boulangere October 13, 2011
I'm done. This has been more work than work this week. I've got to take some time away and hope things improve.
boulangere October 13, 2011
And thank heaven another contest topic is another week away. Good night, friends!
Lizthechef October 13, 2011
I give up.
boulangere October 13, 2011
I surrender.
TheWimpyVegetarian October 13, 2011
Me too. I need to take a break with a big glass of wine. Your recipe looks wonderful boulangere. I'm sure things will get all ironed out; the wonderful food52 folks are, I'm sure, aware of all the bugs and I'm equally certain they're burning the midnight oil trying to resolve. We'll get there. Just not tonight.
boulangere October 13, 2011
Just for fun, I tried clicking on the orange Enter Contest ball again on the Contests page. It took me to niknud's recipes page. Finally got mine (thank god I only had one!) entered. To hell with Tom's advice about shooting with natural light. It was fading by the second as I tried typing with my fingers crossed that it would actually submit. Good grief, I'm as exhausted as I was after giving birth to the son and the daughter.
sdebrango October 13, 2011
It is exhausting trying to figure it all out. I couldn't wrap my brain around it all tonight, felt like I was on overload. I don't want to enter recipes when I don't have the pictures taken yet and there is still no way (at least that I can see) to add a photo after you have published the recipe. Glad you got yours in "b" its beautiful I would love a big hunk right now.
sdebrango October 13, 2011
I decided not to enter anything else to this contest, still can't figure out the photo thing. Next time. At first I couldn't see where to add a recipe. I do now. Wow, a wild ride indeed!
boulangere October 13, 2011
Wild ride - great description!
TheWimpyVegetarian October 13, 2011
How wild. All afternoon the contests button has been taking me to the roots contest with a banner saying contest closed.
boulangere October 13, 2011
Yes, I've been getting that for the past 2 days.
mrslarkin October 13, 2011
just don't forget to enter your recipe into the contest after you've finished typing it up!! which has happened to me before and it stinks.
boulangere October 13, 2011
Quick, everyone, follow In Pat's Kitchen's instruction above. It's working for the moment for me.
pierino October 13, 2011
I'm having exactly the same problem here. At the moment, and we are about three hours away from deadline, it's impossible to enter anything new.
sdebrango October 13, 2011
Just did it again and this time i got Savour!!!
boulangere October 13, 2011
This is the first laugh I've gotten out of the whole experience!
sdebrango October 13, 2011
Me too! My dogs think I'm nuts!!!
sdebrango October 13, 2011
Here is what happens when I hit the enter recipe button:
boulangere October 13, 2011
I am about falling off my chair laughing!!!! The animals are fleeing the kitchen en masse!!!!
sdebrango October 13, 2011
I just clicked on enter a recipe and it took me to boulangere's recipes. Not mine.
inpatskitchen October 13, 2011
Boulangere: Go to "recipes" and quickly ( and I mean Quickly!) hit "add a new recipe" and it should take you to the recipe format..you can enter the contest after entering the recipe.. Are you as frustrated as I am? I'm not receiving any notifications of threads I've contributed to or comments etc. I'm just checking constantly..Tom thinks I'm crazy!
boulangere October 13, 2011
As I mention below, this is the first laugh I've had from the whole experience. Frustrated doesn't come close. My office mate has gotten seriously sick of my groaning all the time. I suspect she's delirious that I won't be in tomorrow.
boulangere October 13, 2011
ipk, I love you!
inpatskitchen October 13, 2011
So happy you were able to get your recipe on and entered!
boulangere October 13, 2011
P.S. I'm using Safari
boulangere October 13, 2011
Now it's taking me to my recipes page. I guess that's an improvement!
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