What stand mixer do you use -- and like/recommend -- for making yeasted bread doughs on a regular basis?
I'm rethinking the "real estate" issues in my tiny kitchen, considering for the first time in my life actually buying a stand mixer . . . would put it in the footman's pantry/alcove adjacent to the kitchen. The counter space is not the only issue, by the way, in my kitchen. There's insufficient clearance under the cabinets (installed, we think, in the mid-50's). And no under extra cabinet space below the counters, either. The alcove option would work well, I think, depending on the footprint of the mixer. Thank you. ;o)
Since you want to use this for kneading dough, I highly recommend an older model. There also happens to be a wealth of knowledge online if your older model happens to break, in which case you can find someone handy to help you, or you can dive right in yourself. But I wouldn't worry about that--our model is 25 years old and has never needed a fix even through I often use it for bread.