Still can't get further page prompts, only get first page of any search. Words all printed over each other. Minimizing print doesn't help
Amanda H.October 27, 2011
We just tried IE version 9 and again didn't have issues. For users on IE 9, click on the blue tools icon on the upper right corner of the screen. Click on Internet Options (second from the bottom), then under "General", look at Browsing History. Click "delete" browsing history. And just delete "temporary internet files" which should be the 2nd item from the top. Uncheck everything else. If you can try this, reload the search page, and let us know if it works, that would be great. Thanks.
Amanda H.October 27, 2011
Ok, so we looked at IE version 8 and it looks ok. We're going to upgrade to version 9 and see what happens. Stay tuned.
Amanda H.October 27, 2011
One of our developer is looking into this right now. Thanks for letting us know!
LiveToEat1960October 27, 2011
Words printing all over each other happens to me at home with the latest version of IE. It does not happen at work with an older version of IE.
melissavOctober 27, 2011
Me too. Hope someone can help! I'm on a PC with IE.
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