Can't get more than one page on a search

I search under a general category -- chicken thighs -- and get the first 10 of 125 hits. Can't get any further pages, no advance arrows. I have a PC -- what am I doing or not doing?



pomare1999 October 21, 2011
I sent a reply to F52 and got an error message. I tried again and got another error message.

I tried my initial search today and got the same results as before. I searched under chicken thighs and got one page of results out of 120+ hits. I found that if I moved the cursor around in the footer area, I could get the magic finger of further pages. . . but not page numbers themselves. If I clicked on the finger, I got a new page of hits that sometimes -- but not always -- had a list of further pages betweeen it and the footer.

pomare1999 October 21, 2011
I repeated my search for chicken thighs with the same results -- only one page shows up. If I move the cursor around in the dark footer at the bottom of the recipes, I'll sometimes get the magic pointing finger of further pages. If I click around in that area, other pages show up and sometimes -- but not always -- they have the further pages listed beneath the recipes shown.
Stephanie G. October 18, 2011
I have the same problem. THere are no pages at the bottom. I tried list view and grid view. I just searched butternut squash and got 8 recipes, 1 page only.
Amanda H. October 20, 2011
We worked on search today -- are you still having this issue? Please let us know!
Food52 October 18, 2011
Could you tell me (Francesca, Assistant Editor) a little more about it or send me a screen shot please? Works for us ... at the bottom of the search results are the paginated other pages. Do you see the 1, 2, 3 ... etc? Thanks!
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