Finding Food52 members in your area
when I first stumbled on this site about a month ago there was a section regarding geographical groups. Now with the site re-vamp I can't seem to find it. Am I imagining this or does this section exist, and if so how can I find it again. Thanks.
SKKNovember 2, 2011
How we found each other in the Pacific Northwest was on the old site. We read each other's recipes, foodpickle questions and answers and profiles. The profiles were more thorough then. Then just started sending messages via cook's home page and inviting each other for coffee and gatherings and just kept expanding that way. But as Susan G says, the messages don't seem to be going through now.
susan G.November 2, 2011
It would have been very helpful in finding people for the F52 party! I messaged a few, but I don't think the messages are going through.
nutcakesNovember 2, 2011
If food won't host such a feature, make your own using AND/OR use the many oneline food boards that meet inormally all the time. I've been seeing people for 13 years on one of mine. We just arrange it ourselves.
alexlutzNovember 1, 2011
The bad news: we haven't had this feature activated in quite a while and we won't have it up in the near future. The good news: we have a lot of thoughts around new features that will help our users connect in meaningful ways off line to parallel the rich online connections we have here at Food52. Stay tuned!
The bad news: we haven't had this feature activated in quite a while and we won't have it up in the near future. The good news: we have a lot of thoughts around new features that will help our users connect in meaningful ways off line to parallel the rich online connections we have here at Food52. Stay tuned!
hardlikearmourNovember 2, 2011
That will be great! I had a lovely time meeting some Portland and Seattle food52ers over the past month.
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