I have a recipe and there's a suggestion that it be served with "prepared English mustard". Rookie question: what is that? Can I use it to do other things than accompany this dish (it's a very yum Guinness/steak/chedder pie, but I don't make it that often)?

  • Posted by: mklug
  • November 3, 2010


mklug November 4, 2010
Thanks all--I like the sound of it, and think it'll be just the thing to cut through the yummy-yet-heavy nature of the steak pie. Plus, I found a few good-looking recipes that call for just the mustard powder (unprepared, I guess) as part of a rub. Am very excited...thanks again!
Victoria C. November 4, 2010
I think prepared English mustard means Coleman's Mustard powder mixed with water to "prepare" it. In our house we eat it as a condiment - very sparingly - with steak. I always make it at least 30 minutes before we eat it to let it cure.
innoabrd November 4, 2010
Now, now. I disagree with pierino. French mustard is good, but an English mustard is a bit different. It tends to be on the sharp/hot side and I find that with something like a steak pie its assertiveness makes for a better match.
pierino November 3, 2010
Please don't worry about the "English" part. They don't understand mustard anyway---although they do make good worcestershire sauce. Substitute your favorite french mustard (ha, take that William Pitt!). Just don't use something like French's yellow.
avimom November 3, 2010
Prepared just means it's not ground mustard powder. I think you'd be safe using whichever prepared mustard you most prefer.
nutcakes November 3, 2010
opps I though img src tag worked here.
nutcakes November 3, 2010
It is strong mustard and you can use it like any mustard, on sandwiches, in recipes....

jenmmcd November 3, 2010
Coleman's English Mustard, my hubby's favorite. Comes in a small, yellow glass jar. We always have to have it with sausages. I actually like Chinese mustard better, but that's just me.
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