A question about a recipe: Russ Parsons' Dry-Brined Turkey (a.k.a. The Judy Bird)

Is it possible to cut down the bringing time? I'm picking up my turkey 24 hours before cooking -- is that enough time to dry brine or will it turn out all salty? Thanks!

  • Posted by: rep18
  • November 15, 2011


rep18 November 16, 2011
gotcha, thanks
Kristen M. November 15, 2011
Russ Parsons answered this (among other questions from readers) here in 2009: http://articles.latimes.com/2009/nov/18/food/la-fow-turkeyfaq18-2009nov18 Sounds like it's doable, but won't have quite the same effect.
SKK November 15, 2011
I agree with HLA, and have in front of me Cooks Illustrated brining table. They say for a whole turkey allow 1 tsp salt per pound and a whole turkey takes from 24 - 48 hours.
hardlikearmour November 15, 2011
With the shorter time the salt doesn't have enough time to dissolve well so you'll be left with salt pockets. You could do it, but rinse the salt out after the 24 hours. I've also had good luck making a paste with kosher salt and honey (2 parts salt to 1 part honey) and it's disappeared into the bird w/in 24 hours.
rep18 November 16, 2011
thanks so much, i'll try that!
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