k.a. The Judy Bird)" from Genius Recipes. Recipe says rest uncovered for at least 8 hours - is there a max or preferable amount of time? Thanks, nt

  • Posted by: ntt2
  • November 9, 2014


Larry November 13, 2014
Roasting a large turkey requires a long cook time because of the large cavity of air. Roasting cut pieces significantly decreases cook time, makes a nice presentation with evenly browned crispy skin and lessens the chance of dry white meat or underdone dark meat. A similar method called Spatchcock (likely Irish in origin), involves removing the backbone and splaying the turkey out as one piece and results in a beautiful and evenly cooked bird. There are many sites with information on the web.
sydney November 10, 2014
Apologies for straying from specifics, but I've tried every roast turkey recipe and done everything possible to a turkey except to make love to it. Now, the butcher cuts it up for me and I roast in pieces I simply salt and pepper straight from the bag. I have the crispiest, prettiest and most delicious skin, and as juicy a meat as a turkey can have, done the simplest way. Everyone loves my turkey. I'll never touch a whole turkey again.
HalfPint November 10, 2014
" I've tried every roast turkey recipe and done everything possible to a turkey except to make love to it"

Love this!
Susan W. November 10, 2014
I agree Zelda. I love the smell, the roasty, salty, crispy skin, the dressing (I make it in muffin tins so the crispy surrounds the entire serving), the gravy and the mashed potatoes. I never enjoyed the turkey until I started cutting it up. It changed my life. I think following the Judy Bird technique would be brilliant. I'll be trying it this year.
drbabs November 10, 2014
I've made this and it is a great recipe. I just took it out of the bag the night before I planned to roast it, and let it sit uncovered in the refrigerator until about an hour before I had to start cooking it. As Susan said, the idea is to dry the skin so it gets super crispy.
Susan W. November 9, 2014
It's to dry the skin so you end up with a crispy skinned turkey. Eight to ten hours is fine. You still pat it with paper towels before roasting. I would put it on a rack on top of a sheet pan so the air can circulate all around the turkey. Such a great sounding recipe.
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