I love this recipe, but cutting the candies is a pain! I've tried a super sharp knife, tried warming it, wiping with oil... I've tried scissors......

... Any suggestions



MrsWheelbarrow November 16, 2011
Oh, I like that bench scraper idea. The pressure on the top of the knife was harsh after awhile and the smooth handle on my bench scraper would be kinder, for sure.
vvvanessa November 16, 2011
hardlikearmour's suggestion has helped me before, and i also find that using a metal bench cutter/dough scraper works well, too. mine has a smooth, rounded handle that's easy to get some good, downward pressure on.
MrsWheelbarrow November 16, 2011
Thank you! I had to split the work up between two days and now have a wee blister and bruise on my cutting hand. Totally worth it
MrsWheelbarrow November 16, 2011
Thank you! I had to split the work up between two days and now have a wee blister and bruise on my cutting hand. Totally worth it
gluttonforlife November 16, 2011
Cathy, it's all about your husband! Seriously, we've been making these for years and I relegate that task to mine. A very sharp chef's knife and perhaps a leather glove are the tips I can offer.
Droplet November 15, 2011
I haven't made these so I don't know what their exact texture is but I assume you are having a hard time with them keeping shape? Try with some very thin fishing cord, wrapped around your pointer fingers and pushing with your thumbs against it to keep it straight. Slide it underneath and cut up by crosing ends above. If you find the right point in the cooling process in terms of texture and temperature , this will give you a pretty clean cut.
hardlikearmour November 15, 2011
How about you try warming the pan of them in a really low oven for a couple of minutes?
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