What's the best way to soften cream cheese quickly?

  • Posted by: drose
  • November 23, 2011


Horto November 20, 2014
If you leave it out
Hide it in a cabinet so the dog dosent get it
Big prob in our house
Pegeen November 20, 2014
Seal it carefully in two plastic storage bags and submerge in a bowl of very hot water. Check it periodically to see how soft it's become - just squish the middle of the packet with your fingers and see how soft it is. Once you unwrap it at room temperature, it becomes soft fairly quickly.
Stephanie G. November 20, 2014
I microwave it all the time and it works for me. Most I use it in frosting. Quick 5-10 second bursts are best and I do cut into about 8 smaller pieces. You really need to know how intense your microwave is...could be a disaster if it goes too long.
Eric November 20, 2014
Actually, following the instructions on WikiHOW, I just quickly softened my cream cheese by putting it in my microwave for 10 sec. It made a frightful noise, and if I were to do it again, I'd do it for 7 secs. But, point is, I noticed no untoward oiliness or breaking. Spread nicely on my pancakes. (Long story. . .)
vvvanessa November 23, 2011
i would unwrap the cream cheese then cut it up into smaller pieces-- preferably long, thin strips-- and lay them out on a plate. they'll come to room temperature relatively quickly that way. but agreed that you shouldn't heat it up.
boulangere November 23, 2011
I agree with Francesca. If you try to microwave it, even briefly, or place it near some sort of heat, the chance that it will "break" when you attempt to mix it becomes excellent.
francesca G. November 23, 2011
To be honest, the cheese purist in me says there's no way to rush it -- let it sit out until soft in a room temperature environment. Putting it near a heat source or in the oven will cause the cheese to melt in an uneven fashion ... oily is not what you want, I presume!
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