Just received a box of pomegranates from a California cousin. I adore to eat the seeds as is, and to sprinkle them on salads or desserts... but what else could I be doing? Making a juice and then flavoring a panna cotta or cheesecake? Am not feeling very creative about this...



Sadassa_Ulna November 7, 2010
There is an arugula-fennel-orange salad with pomegranate seeds at epicurious that is delicious. The recipe is attributed to Isa in San Francisco. I have made it several times for potlucks and people always ask for the recipe. I highly recommend this salad!
luvcookbooks November 7, 2010
have you considered trying pomegranate ice cream, sorbet, ice or jel?
luvcookbooks November 7, 2010
juice them. also there's a nice pomegranate cookbook you can find on amazon.
healthierkitchen November 6, 2010
Here are some ideas from an earlier thread here:

pauljoseph November 6, 2010
Use of pomegranate powder in cooking and how to make the pomegranate powder


pauljoseph November 6, 2010
Very good tried & tested recipe

Pomegranate Salad( A South Indian recipe)

Petals of pomegranate – 1 cup
Chopped mint leaves – 2 tsp
Honey – 4 tbsp
Salad cucumber cut into small square pieces – ¼ cup
Apple cut into small pieces – ¼ cup

Mix well all together, chill and serve.

NB. Add chopped green chili,(If you want) as much as you want as hot as you want
VanessaS November 6, 2010
I make this farro, apple, and pomegranate salad a lot, its amazing!
pierino November 6, 2010
Outside the box a bit (hey, that's my job) but you could shave some fennel, red onion, and thinly slice grapefruit along the horizon and then sprinkle some pomegranet seeds over. Just dress with a little oil.It's kind of a Batali thing.
alitris November 6, 2010
My friend Sarah made this for a dinner party last night - you could use your fresh juice. It was really tasty.

May I also recommend searching Tastespotting for pomegranate; I did looking for the above recipe and my mouth is totally watering.
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