Bread Baking Cookbook

Apologies in advance if this question has been asked and answered before, but I can't seem to search past the first page of hotline questions. That being said, I'm looking to be a better bread baker - would like to start making more homemade for economical/health reasons. Any suggestions for a good cookbook to start with? I'm not completely unfamiliar with baking but haven't ever paid much attention to bread. Thanks!

  • Posted by: Niknud
  • November 30, 2011


mrslarkin November 30, 2011
All great suggestions.

I, too, love Baking with Julia. Great bread recipes there, and other amazing stuff.

and KAF rocks!
Sigita November 30, 2011
Oh by all means - the best and the easiest method - Jom Lahey's MY BREAD.
If you are in NYC- visit Sullivan Street Bakery for a sampling. I make a special trip there anytime I am in the city.
But his book really gives the home baker a pretty version of it.
TheWimpyVegetarian November 30, 2011
I have a few that I like, but one of the best I think to start with is Tartine Bread by Chad Robertson. It's filled with great photos of all the various stages and showing different techniques. It also provides detailed instructions and explanations, along with recipes for making various breads and then recipes that use the bread. And I agree with sdebrango:when boulangere comes out with hers, I'd run to the store to buy that one too! (No pressure, b.)
sdebrango November 30, 2011
We'll be in line together and I will camp out for the book signings!!
Niknud November 30, 2011
This is great! I've got my amazon wish list open at the same time and I'm just adding books to it. Have I mentioned how much I LOVE Food52?
TheWimpyVegetarian November 30, 2011
Maybe we can organize boulangere's book tour!
boulangere November 30, 2011
Niknud, I have that feeling several times a day!
boulangere November 30, 2011
You all are a riot!
sdebrango November 30, 2011
Ok, ChezSuzanne and I will handle the PR, organize the tour. I wish I were a publisher I'd publish it also. I am getting excited now. Honestly, Niknud with so many wonderful experienced and professional cooks here on food52 I rarely need to go elsewhere, browse boulangere's bread recipes's and AntoniaJames also. You will see wonderful breads with instructions that are so exact and thorough its better than a cookbook and if you have a question they are right there at your disposal. It doesn't get much better than this.
sdebrango November 30, 2011
Ok this is one of those time I wish we had the edit button back, besides the two great cooks I mentioned out so many here on the site how could I overlook our fearless leaders Amanda and Merrill who have provided so many great recipes and are always there for us.
TheWimpyVegetarian November 30, 2011
I have lost count of the times I have wished for a 'redo' on a comment I've made, so I totally understand this! And hear, hear on your other suggestions. AntoniaJames provides a ton of valuable detail to her bread recipes, and the A&M duo have some great ones on here as well!!
sdebrango November 30, 2011
Until boulangere comes out with a cookbook I use Baking with Julia-Julia Child and Dorie Greenspan and The Bread Bible by Beth Bensperger and also get many recipes from King Arthur Flour website.

Voted the Best Reply!

boulangere November 30, 2011
LOL! The one I use most for teaching and at home is Peter Reinhart's The Bread Baker's Apprentice. He was my breads instructor in school, and I was lucky enough to do recipe testing for the book. It's a gold mine of good breads and lots of instruction that is very understandable.
Niknud November 30, 2011
You guys crack me up!
Niknud November 30, 2011
So I just checked out the KA website which has about a bazillion recipes. Any favorites?
sdebrango November 30, 2011
There are a ton of recipes on KA and the recipes I have made for the most part have been very good.
beyondcelery November 30, 2011
I love the Tassajara Bread Book and The Laurel's Kitchen Bread Book. Tassajara gives wonderfully simple from-scratch methods and recipes and it teaches you how to tweak them your own tastes. Laurel's gives a great chemistry-of-baking base, as well as some excellent recipes. Both will help you jump from novice to expert baker.
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