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Artichokes Stuffed with Capers & Anchovies (Carciofi Ripieni alla Siciliana)
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LeBec F.
April 23, 2015
Patricia, i have written to emiko to clarify, because i think she may have been confusing in her answer to you.
There are 2 parts of the artichoke that are edible: the meat on the leaves, and the heart/ artichoke bottom (and some of the stem.) When artichokes are cooked whole, which is usual, the leaves pull away easily and you scrape off the meat with your teeth. (Check out some You Tubes.) After all the leaves have been removed, the fibrous cap above the heart- is scooped out/removed and tossed. Then you eat the heart. In Italy, they also eat tiny baby artichokes (rarely are they seen in most of the U.S.) which they cook (often deep fried) and eat whole (even the choke, because it is tiny and undeveloped.) I hope this helps.
There are 2 parts of the artichoke that are edible: the meat on the leaves, and the heart/ artichoke bottom (and some of the stem.) When artichokes are cooked whole, which is usual, the leaves pull away easily and you scrape off the meat with your teeth. (Check out some You Tubes.) After all the leaves have been removed, the fibrous cap above the heart- is scooped out/removed and tossed. Then you eat the heart. In Italy, they also eat tiny baby artichokes (rarely are they seen in most of the U.S.) which they cook (often deep fried) and eat whole (even the choke, because it is tiny and undeveloped.) I hope this helps.
April 23, 2015
Hi there, thanks, I've replied to everyone below and adjusted a bit in the instructions to include explaining to remove the choke. Also the Food52 link below is handy for anyone unfamiliar with prepping artichokes. As I mentioned below, the artichokes (and not only baby ones) in Italy rarely have the choke and I don't live in the US so sorry about any confusion there on what you can/can't eat! Hopefully all clear now :)
May 7, 2015
Baby artichokes are very common and easy to find in California. (just like ramps are common in the East coast but NOT in the West) Every artichoke has a hairy(fibrous) center whether it is fully developed or becomes the flower of the artichoke and is called the choke. When artichokes are not picked and are allowed to flower that hairy center becomes a beautiful purple flower. (even in Italy)
May 7, 2015
Good point about the coast to coast differences, though I will say here in Italy it's hard to find an artichoke with a hairy centre - you can pretty much eat the entire thing without worrying about fluffy centres (even raw)! Of course if left longer, that fluffy choke develops and eventually turns into a flower (wild artichokes on the roadside are a wonderful find!). ;)
April 21, 2015
I don't think you're going to want to eat the thistle-y like choke in the center, either. If your artichokes are old (happens a lot in US grocery stores) that choke may be a bit difficult to remove. A grapefruit spoon can help in that case. Some of the outer leaves will likely also have split. I usually cut those all the way off.
IMHO, the tastiest part of the artichoke is the bottom and the stem.
IMHO, the tastiest part of the artichoke is the bottom and the stem.
April 22, 2015
June is right. You would have a hard time eating the choke if you didn't remove the thistle in the heart of the artichoke before stuffing it. Last year I smuggled a bag of capers from Salina (one of the Aeolian Island off the coast of Sicily) and then found the same brand in my local grocery.
April 23, 2015
Hi everyone! Thanks for mentioning this. In Italy (where I live), it's rare to find artichokes with the fluffy bit in the middle (see the photo of the cut and prepared artichokes above!) and since I don't live in the US it's hard for me to know this information! So thanks for pointing this out. Since that is that case, I'll adjust the recipe instructions to include removing the choke (which can still be done after blanching, in fact, it will be much easier to do it that way so that you can keep the artichoke whole). I'm not sure I misinterpreted Patricia's question though -- she asked whether you eat the whole artichoke (I am assuming she meant the cooked, prepared artichoke) or just the stuffing. Since it's all meant to be eaten (not just the stuffing!) I responded you eat the whole thing. I can see how this is getting confusing though! This Food52 article on prepping artichokes is handy too -
April 23, 2015
Also to June -- I love the bottoms and stems too! You can also do this this Ligurian way (which I mention in my article on this recipe here: ) where they add the stalks to the stuffing too! The bottoms have to be cut off enough so that they sit flat in the dish, but no sense in wasting them if you love them - blanch them along with the rest of the artichokes then chop them up and add them to the stuffing ;)
April 23, 2015
You should definitely peel the skin of the stem - just the outermost part so you are left with the pale, tender part.
Patricia B.
April 24, 2015
Emiko is right, I did ask whether you just could cut the artichoke, after cooked, at eat it, or you should remove the artichoke leaves and only eat the stuffing and the artichoke heart. Also, I live in Denmark and do not know the quality of the articokes here...
LeBec F.
April 24, 2015
PATRICIA, I looked at your member profile page to see where you lived so I knew what artichokes you might have there, but you haven't noted your location there! you might want to add it and anything else-to your member profile!
Patricia B.
April 19, 2015
This is maybe the dumbest question you will ever here, but I have never eaten artichokes...Can you eat the whole artichokes or only the stuffing?
April 19, 2015
Good of you to ask! You can eat the whole thing (once you remove the tough outer leaves, as explained in the instructions, that is) :)
Patricia B.
April 19, 2015
Okay, thanks :-) I have just heard a lot of people talking about the artichoke heart being the only part that is edible.
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