5 Ingredients or Fewer
Momofuku's Soy Sauce Eggs
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235 Reviews
Michael J.
May 15, 2023
This recipe does not make enough marinade to fill any bowl deep enough to fully submerge 6 eggs.
April 25, 2024
Yes it does, it works perfectly. Been following the recipe exactly for years. usually I double or triple it. If you're only making a half dozen just put them is a small bowl, they displace the liquid and it covers them completely. Rarely without these in my fridge, everyone's favorite, 100 ways to eat 'em.
January 28, 2023
I usually double the recipe. We LOVE these Eggs as a snack or to add to our favorite Noodle dishes or Pho.
January 15, 2023
Love this recipe so much I want to double it! Has anyone got cook time adjustment for 12 eggs at a time?
April 25, 2024
Don't add extra time. I often do two dozen at once and leave it at exactly 6 mins, 50 secs. and they all come out great.
October 14, 2024
Don't adjust! Cook for 6 mins. 50 seconds no matter how many you are making. Just make sure the water is at a furious boil before you put them in. Have done up to two dozen eggs at a time and they still come out perfect at 6 min. 50 secs.
December 13, 2022
A delicious protein-rich Dharwad pedha is Babusingh’s Thakur Pedha in Karnataka. It is prepared in the kitchen of the best-known company in the country. We have been making the famed Pedha in Karnataka since 1846. You still haven’t tasted milk’s genuine flavour if you haven’t had the Thakur pedha. https://babusinghsthakurpedha.com/step-by-step-procedure-to-prepare-world-famous-dharwad-pedha-history-of-babu-singhs-thakur-pedha/
November 4, 2022
I have turned so many people on to this recipe. I screw up the timing a lot, and it doesn't matter. I've also gone with whatever vinegar and soy sauce I grab first and that also doesn't matter. I have also left the eggs in the mix for days and THAT doesn't matter. That said, the original recipe, timing and all, makes perfect eggs.
September 19, 2022
6 minutes and 55 seconds exactly is pushing it. What size pot were you using? How old were the eggs? I would say 10-12 minutes for home cooks with smaller pots since the boiling stops when the eggs go in. Tried it this way and it was much better. I used honey instead of sugar too.
Lisa L.
September 19, 2022
I’ve been making this recipe regularly for years and 6 minutes 50 seconds works perfectly for firm whites and runny yolks. I use a 2 quart saucepan for 6 eggs and they’re delicious.
March 21, 2023
Hi, directing to you since you seem to be a pro : ) -- can't find this at a cursory run thru, does this cooking time assume fridge-cold eggs? TIA -
September 1, 2022
Super salty. The egg completely gets lost. Wanted to love this but very disappointed.
August 18, 2022
Do you really need one more review? Make these eggs!
Get creative with the recipe. I added garlic, chili and sesame oil. They're excellent.
Get creative with the recipe. I added garlic, chili and sesame oil. They're excellent.
Mr. H.
February 3, 2022
I follow this recipe but with some alterations.
I cut the low sodium soy sauce I use with quite a bit of water to create more marinade. I will sometimes add red cooking wine, wine, or even whiskey at times. black pepper in the marinade too.
6 min and 50 sec is perfect soft boil time here in Hoosier Land. gooey jelly yolks I love.
I put the 6 eggs in a sandwich bag and pour marinade in. squeeze air out of bag carefully. then place that bag in another sandwich bag (leak messy containment). i lay the bag flat on fridge shelf. anytime I walk by fridge throughout the day....... flip or rotate bag to other side.
I prefer the longest soak time possible which is difficult when temptation is circling!!!!
my MLI is Filipino and approves of thus one!!!!
I cut the low sodium soy sauce I use with quite a bit of water to create more marinade. I will sometimes add red cooking wine, wine, or even whiskey at times. black pepper in the marinade too.
6 min and 50 sec is perfect soft boil time here in Hoosier Land. gooey jelly yolks I love.
I put the 6 eggs in a sandwich bag and pour marinade in. squeeze air out of bag carefully. then place that bag in another sandwich bag (leak messy containment). i lay the bag flat on fridge shelf. anytime I walk by fridge throughout the day....... flip or rotate bag to other side.
I prefer the longest soak time possible which is difficult when temptation is circling!!!!
my MLI is Filipino and approves of thus one!!!!
September 29, 2021
I make Japanese seasoned eggs almost every week and they stay in the fridge for 4-5 days—they’re a delicious go to snack. The longer they sit in the seasoned soy sauce the more umami flavor. You can also reuse marinade.
August 9, 2023
I believe she said to boil between uses if you want to reuse the marinade.
January 5, 2021
I have not tried the dish. This is a comment on your tags. Eggs are not vegetarian. They are chicken eggs and the last time I checked chickens were animals not vegetables. Please correct.🙂
January 5, 2021
Eggs are considered vegetarian but not vegan. It varies person to person but typically a vegetarian doesn't eat meat but does eat animal products (milk, eggs, yogurt, etc.). Vegans don't eat any animal products at all.
March 30, 2021
@jvtnw8 How about you only leave comments on dishes you HAVE tried, instead of trying to spread your vegetarian/vegan propaganda to people who don't wanna hear it.
March 12, 2022
Actually you would be considered a lacto-ovo vegetarian if you eat eggs and dairy
Gail F.
November 16, 2020
These eggs are truly delicious! You do need to follow the boiling time per the recipe to ensure the yolk comes out creamy. I did use the soaking liquid again for my second batch but the eggs were less flavorful so refresh liquid for future batches.
March 12, 2021
I've found letting the eggs get to room temp helps a lot, the first time I made them the 6 min 50 seconds wasn't enough because I went from the fridge to the boiling water.
September 11, 2020
A question about cooking time. I live in Montana at high altitude & would like to know what you suggest as an adjustment to cooking time. Here a 3 minute egg takes 6 minutes.
February 1, 2021
I also live in Montana at 5000 feet. I cook eggs for 10 minutes for not quite fully cooked eggs, 12 minutes for fully cooked
October 6, 2021
I live in Reno at 5351 ft. Any suggestions for cooking time for me? It is a bit worrisome given the precise time in the recipe.
July 3, 2020
Question:With just six tablespoons of water, 2 tablespoons of vinegar and 3/4 cup of soy sauce, is there really enough liquid to submerge six eggs?
Lisa L.
July 3, 2020
I put them in a glass container that just fits them & crumple up a piece of foil to hold them under the liquid and then place the glass lid on top.
Steven W.
February 20, 2022
Try a Mason or Ball jar with a plastic lid. You can lay this on its side (I use a dish towel to keep it from being jostled in the fridge) but of course make sure the lid is on tight!
Kathryn S.
May 1, 2022
I used a Weck 745 tulip jar and was able to submerge 8 midium/large eggs. I put a short ball jar on top to keep them under.
May 20, 2020
Honestly, I think time depends on size of egg. This does not work well for a jumbo sized egg.
Lisa L.
November 16, 2020
I find that if my eggs are not all very close in size, they obviously turn out to be different degrees of oozy.
Laura L.
July 18, 2021
The recipe does specify large, so I assume adjustments would need to be made for smaller or larger eggs.
May 3, 2020
These were delicious! I added 2TB mirin, a dash of sesame oil, chopped lemongrass & garlic (had them in the freezer), and I used balsamic vinegar because that’s what I had. I had them for dinner on top of a green onion and veggies soba noodle dish.
April 19, 2020
Have made a few times and linking up today from the corona riff article. Honestly it's a great recipe IMO. But I wanted to make it more a paleo dish and used coconut aminos in place of the soy with great taste every time. For those folks who are squeamish about storing for longer than a couple days, make egg salad with, or deviled eggs and invite my spouse (the old raisin) over and he will help you dispose of them properly. /s
Melissa G.
April 13, 2020
I need some scientific reassurance about egg storage. Regular hard-boiled eggs are supposed to be safe for a week. These aren't even hard-boiled! I know people are varying the vinegar and soy sauce levels per different variations. I've got to imagine that the salt and/or acid are crucial to keeping them safe longer than a week. Are they seriously OK for a month?? How would I know if they were not OK anymore? I guess I'm a little squeamish about these things. Hard to imagine I could hold back from eating them that long, anyhow....
Lisa L.
April 13, 2020
Whoa! You’re keeping them refrigerated. And I keep them in the marinade...only take them out to eat them. No problem. Been doing it for at least a year and I’m still around to talk about it.
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