Butternut Squash
Creamy butternut squash polenta with spicy wilted spinach
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4 Reviews
Jennifer N.
June 7, 2017
This is a go to for me but I cook the polenta low and slow, add fresh corn kernels when in season at the end. Tonight i am serving it with roasted zuchinni and summer squash on the side, sometimes I add a poached egg on top. We aren't vegetarian, but this is plenty delicious for dinner without meat.
susan G.
October 21, 2011
This was tasty, satisfying, and very attractive. I had a mix of beet greens and some other, unidentified bitter greens. I wasn't sure if they would be the right balance, since spinach is so much blander, but it was wonderful. I thought that some slivers of sundried tomatoes would like nice if I make it without the greens.
February 19, 2011
this looks delicious. what do you serve with it?
Viviane B.
February 20, 2011
Eliana, Thank you for your comment. I serve this polenta on it's own as a first course or light main course. It is delicious enough that it doesn't need anything else and has become a favorite fall/winter dish.
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