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Parisian Breakfast: Quiche with Brussels Sprouts, Shallots, and Dill
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14 Reviews
March 9, 2013
I'll be hosting a champagne brunch next week for my roomate's 22nd, and this looks like a lovely savory dish--especially because she adores brussels sprouts. Unfortunately I'll be doing all of the cooking and cleaning in preparation, so I'm looking for shortcuts where appropriate--do you think this tart could be made with store-bought puff pastry?
John F.
February 3, 2013
I have been looking for some new and unusual recipes to make with eggs. This looks like a good candidate for us to try. I never really thought of using Brussels Sprouts in an egg dish, but this looks and reads like ti should be a very tasty meal.
Crafty F.
January 18, 2012
I attempted to adapt this recipe to be low-fat and crustless... that was a fail. BUT - The part of the recipe that I DID follow word-for-word was the preparation of the brussels sprouts and shallots. Holey Moley!!! so delicious. So good, in fact, that I blogged about that portion of the recipe (crediting the genius of SharonP). I think I may have to go whole hog and duplicate this quiche just for one blissful bite! See post re: the sprouts here:
December 17, 2011
This was devine! Always looking for interesting ways to incorporate brussel sprouts; I just love them. I had to make a few substitutions, based on what I had on hand: herbs de provence for thyme, 1/2sm ciopinno for shallots, fresh garlic for powder (though I see why powder is better, I had to be super careful not to burn garlic), dry vermouth for wine, all milk, mixture of asiago, goat and cheddar cheeses and added rosemary to sautéed onions and garlic. Poured the fabulous filling into a whole wheat crust I had made on another occasion. The aroma while it baked was amazing. And new to me to use flour and baking soda but boy, did thay make a light and fluffy quiche. The hubby had thirds. Will definitely be adding to my collection. Too freaking good! Thank you for sharing. One question, my quiche browned quite a bit and had to cover after 30 mins. Was 375 the proper temp? I saw that it was called for with the baking crust and assumed it was the same for baking the final dish
March 8, 2011
My childhood me (who hated Brussel Sprouts due to a long family tradition of boiling them to an ooey gooey consistency with notes of sulphur) might have even wanted to give this egg-y buttery brussel sprout goodness a shot!
Thank you for this, I can't wait to try it.
Thank you for this, I can't wait to try it.
March 6, 2011
This recipe looks great, and beautiful photos! I have also recently gotten into Brussels sprouts, and am always looking for fun and delicious ways to cook them. Nice recipe!
March 6, 2011
Thank you so much. My husband lovingly takes the photos of my kitchen triumphs. We make a great team. I hope you enjoy your new-found brussels sprouts "revelation" with this recipe.
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