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Tuscan Chestnut Cake (Castagnaccio)
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7 Reviews
February 23, 2020
This recipe is not really authentic. There is absolutely NEVER sugar in castagnaccio. The raisins are never soaked or scattered on top... and a good castagnaccio should be at least 2 centimetres thick.
February 23, 2020
This is how we make castagnaccio in Florence -- it's different in many parts of Tuscany, especially the height. For example in Livorno, it is thicker and you'll find that in Florence the thicker version is considered less appealing ;). I address the sugar in the recipe intro, that it is not present in ancient recipes (obviously; it is a peasant dish after all). The reason the raisins are soaked is because they will burn if you don't and in castagnaccio of this height some of the raisins will be exposed whether or not you scatter them on top or not (my Tuscan mother in law scatters them on top - try telling her this version of her beloved castagnaccio is not authentic!). ;)
March 20, 2015
Hi Emiko. This looks fantastic and can't wait to try it! I'm a little confused on the amount of chestnut flour I should use, though. I think 3.75 C is more like 850 grams (if I'm doing the math right!), but your recipe says to use 400 grams. Which number would be best to use. (I'm asking because I only have 500 grams and am wondering if I need to run out and buy more before starting this!) Thank you!!
March 21, 2015
Hi Nancy, 400 grams is the correct amount to use. If you have kitchen scales, I always prefer to weigh my baking ingredients!
December 24, 2014
When I lived in Tuscany I made this all the time. It was so easy! Always loved all the Chestnut Festivals going on there,,,the budino, etc. I have some chestnut flour in the freezer and think I'll whip one up tomorrow. Thanks for the reminder.
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