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September 15, 2014
Warm yogurt and mint soup? I cook 1/3 cup of rice in 2 pints of simmering chicken stock for 10 minutes, then add 200 gr of yogurt mixed with 1 tablespoon of flour and 1 egg to it. Actually I gradually add couple of laddlefulls of stock to the yogurt/egg/flour mixture and mix to make sure that the egg doesn't get cooked and seperate. Then add this back to the pot of chicken stock. Bring to simmer and cook for further 10 minutes. In an other pot I make mint/paprika oil by heating 3-4 table spoons of olive oil and adding mint and paprika to the hot oil. Pour the paprika/mint oil over the soup and serve warm with crusty bread.
Elena I.
September 14, 2014
Mix melted 1/2 cup butter and 1 cup greek yoghurt, some salt and flour as much as it s needed for the dough not to be sticky, sprinkle with crumbled feta cheese and dry mint!! Bake in 180 C (air) 40 min !!!! Amazing Greek cheese bread!!!!
Julie O.
September 13, 2014
Mix with coriander chutney. Eat with a spoon or just about anything else.
la G.
September 13, 2014
Thinned with a bit of water and olive oil, add dijon mustard and maybe some herbs...instant salad dressing. I also use the yogurt/dijon/herbs combo on salmon fillets baked in the oven...sometimes with bread crumbs/panko on top.
September 13, 2014
I stir a couple of tablespoonfuls of strained yoghurt (i.e. Greek Yoghurt) through my morning oatmeal, no milk or cream. It's delicious.
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