This article is brought to you by our friends at Electrolux as part of an ongoing series focusing on seasonal ingredients. This month we're talking pumpkin and winter squash.
Today: Your squash seeds have so much potential; don't waste it.

We could talk forever about all the ways to use squash this fall and winter -- puréed in soups, whipped into a hummus, or just caramelized on their own. But there’s also something to be said about using the whole gourd. And those squash seeds, the ones you might otherwise just scrape out and toss in the garbage, are no exception.
In fact, when roasted at home, squash seeds are a great addition to tons of dishes, and, if you give them a little help, can turn into some wonderful creations. Here are 5 ways to put those little nuggets to good use:

1. Throw them into a salad: When you need a little crunch in your salad, whether it’s a green or grain version, squash seeds do the job nicely. If you're roasting them at home, try using the same spices in your salad dressing as you do in your seeds. (Bonus: They make your salad taste like fall.)

2. Put them in your trail mix: To add more variety to your usual GORP (a.k.a. Good Old Raisins and Peanuts), add some roasted squash seeds.
3. Blend them into butter or milk: Yes, it’s possible. Roasted seeds can be blended like nuts into butter, or you can add them to other nut butters for a nice twist on your usual flavor. You can also soak, blend, and strain them like nuts to make squash seed milk -- this works best with store-bought pumpkin seeds. This delicate milk only lasts a few days in the fridge, so you’ll have to drink up.

4. Garnish with them: Sprinkle whole or chopped squash seeds over avocado toast, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, savory waffles, soup -- the list goes on. Keep them out on your counter and throw them on everything.
More: Get super-meta and sprinkle squash seeds over butternut squash hummus.
5. Add them to pesto: Toss a handful into your next batch of pesto -- they complement standard pine nuts nicely, and make for a decidedly fall-ish pesto.
How do you like to use your squash seeds? Tell us in the comments!
This article was brought to you by Electrolux, who's all about great taste and the appliances to help you make beautiful meals in your own kitchen. Learn more here.
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