How to Roast Pumpkin Seeds for a Crunchy-Salty Snack
This easy-to-make treat is hiding in all those fall pumpkins and winter squash.
52 Days of Thanksgiving

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November 11, 2016
First time boiling the seeds prior to roasting and it works perfectly. I let them dry on a dishcloth after they had been boiled for about an hour, then roasted them at 350 for roughly 45 min (checked every 8 min to mix around on the baking sheet). Used EVO+s&p+a pinch of garlic powder.
Marcus S.
December 3, 2015
I am so addicted to roasted pumpkin seeds! I make sure that everyone I know who carves pumpkins but tosses the seeds, set them aside and I will make my rounds, collect all said bags and then it's on. I have never heard of parboiling the seedage until I found this web page and I am very thankful and excited. Me and my twin brother grew up eating my mom's roasted seeds, shell and all. I have never known any other way. Who the F would sit there for hours on end, separating seed from shell? I would end up murdering someone ;-) my go to recipe is XtraVirginalOliveOyl, garlic pow, pepper and a shitload of salt. I have over cooked too many batches in the past so now I usually cook the seeds at low temps for hours, stirring every half hour. This parboiling techniques couldn't have come at a better time because stirring seeds every half hour for hours on end is tedious and time consuming. I'm about to try my first batch of butternut squash seeds. Did anyone has tips or suggestions please respond and wish me luck!
November 9, 2015
With hokkaido seeds, I've had the same experience as marcellem, it takes about 25 minutes. The butternut squash seeds didn't need more than 12 minutes.
Susie M.
October 11, 2014
I loved this method of pre-boiling. I've always found the shells a bit tough, and this time the end result was light and crisp. I used butternut seeds and our local Martha's Vineyard Sea Salt (yum)--had to roast a few minutes longer to get to golden brown, but no big deal. Thank you!
November 15, 2013
I hated pumpkin seeds before I read this. My honey love love loves them and asked me to make him some. I told him about your method and melody to making them and he said, " Please don't do it that way." He prescribed not washing them. Yes, don't wash them. It's takes out the natural oils that help the seed gain crunchiness when cooked. Just roast at -350 with some light salt, a few turns and their perfect. I'm putting them on everything now. Simple - Easy.
Barbara R.
October 29, 2013
I use Dawn because it also gets grease stains off of clothes if you use it as a pre-wash. You may need a combination of dish soap, baking soda, and (I also swear by) Barkeepers Friend-which helps get the "bluing" off my stainless pans, and a "scrubbie". Maybe even soak with dish soap and baking soda, hot water beforehand.
October 29, 2013
I have a random totally unrelated question--I have the same pans as the photo and I was wondering how people clean them. Mine look awful now with burned oil baked into them. I've tried baking soda but it hasn't helped much. And then once I used a much harsher cleaner/degreaser and that was worse, it rubbed off some of the finish.
phi T.
October 29, 2013
I'm lazy so I usually line them with parchment paper which reduces cleaning to almost nothing...
October 24, 2013
Forgive my naivete, but do you eat the shells, too? I've always roasted (without the pre-boil) and then eaten them like sunflower seeds...insides only. Enlighten me!
phi T.
October 24, 2013
I was in your boat before my roommate started taking my seeds and roasting them, but he didn't boil them. Then, I some googling and found out, thankfully, that the shells are much easier to chew when pre-boiled.
Barbara R.
October 24, 2013
We've never removed the shells-we always ate the whole thing. They're not indigestible-they're great! Just make sure they're cooked to the color in the picture-but if I overcook them I eat them anyway. I'm almost 60 and I've enjoyed them this way ever since I was little.
October 29, 2013
Thanks, Phi and Barbara! Pumpkin carving commences tonight so I'll look forward to seed snacks shortly thereafter :)
October 23, 2013
I pre-boil mine in generously salted water, then drain and pour onto a backing sheet. After roasting, the seeds are salty and don't have any added fat from the oil.
Beehive A.
October 22, 2013
I do the boiling when I roast... I add water to my roasting pan together with water, salt and other spices.
phi T.
October 22, 2013
The boiling is key! I only recently tried it and it has made such a big difference... However, I had a heavy handed cayenne batch bc I got excited.
Barbara R.
October 21, 2013
We grew up roasting pumpkin seeds with butter, salt and pepper. A few years ago I was making a version of Dorie Greenspan's stuffed pumpkin. I had overfilled it and some chicken stock, buttery goodness had escaped onto the pan that held the pumpkin, so I scattered my pumpkin seeds around the pan in the juices. The best pumpkin seeds I've made so far.
Carey N.
October 21, 2013
With a pile of kabocha seeds in my kitchen and a previous lack of knowledge of the pre-roast boil, this could could not have come at a better time!
Marian B.
October 21, 2013
Oh I'm so happy! I tried to carve pumpkins last night just so I could roast seeds, but my local store was all out.
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