The Food52 Vegan Cookbook is here! With this book from Gena Hamshaw, anyone can learn how to eat more plants (and along the way, how to cook with and love cashew cheese, tofu, and nutritional yeast).
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April 5, 2017
I made my first batch of almond milk a couple weeks ago and I could not believe the difference in flavor. So much better than store bought. I just wanted to pass on a tip I got from the recipe I used last time: you can use a bandana to strain the solids out of the milk. Works well and can be thrown in the wash for the next time. Also, I made little truffles with the nut solids, mixing in coconut oil, cocoa powder and some honey. I found the more coconut oil I used, the more truffle like the texture became. Just FYI. :)
April 6, 2014
I had recommended making homemade nut milk to a friend whose child has a very severe allergy to casein, among other things in dairy. They live in a small town in central Greece and she was buying soy milk which was available in a canned stabilized version. That bothered me a bit because this child was not able to drink something fresh in terms of a milk product. So it turned out that they lived on a family farm that happened to have a variety of nut trees. Greece is full of almond and walnut trees. So we found out how to make the milk and it has pretty much saved the situation. :)
April 14, 2013
I love that 'what goes around, comes around.' When I discovered my daughter's dairy allergy in 1976, I began making my own almond milk from reading Jethro Kloss's book 'Back to Eden.'
Dorry F.
March 6, 2013
How much cocoa would I need to make a chocolate version. I love chocolate almond milk and have bought it many times, but would love to make it myself and hopefully save money.
March 12, 2013
I'd make a chocolate syrup by putting a teaspoon or so of cocoa per cup of milk in a cup with perhaps 2 teaspoons of boiling water and a pinch of sugar, depending on how sweet you like your cocoa. Melt the chocolate and stir to dissolve the sugar. Then add the almond milk. If that's not chocolaty enough, make more syrup. Good idea! ;o)
Dorry F.
March 12, 2013
Thanks so much! I will try that!
I am making almond milk tonight when I get home from work. I have had the almonds soaking in water for nearly 24 hours now.
Whenever I have that drained and exhausted feeling, chocolate almond milk seems to help perk me up again and give me a second wind.
Thank you for your inspiration! I cannot wait to get home and get my hands on the soaked almonds and the blender!
I am making almond milk tonight when I get home from work. I have had the almonds soaking in water for nearly 24 hours now.
Whenever I have that drained and exhausted feeling, chocolate almond milk seems to help perk me up again and give me a second wind.
Thank you for your inspiration! I cannot wait to get home and get my hands on the soaked almonds and the blender!
March 12, 2013
Great! I'm thinking you might want to start with a tablespoon of cocoa + the same of hot water (plus sugar to taste) per cup, not knowing how rich your chocolate is . . . you could add a tablespoon of syrup, taste, and add more if you want. Sounds so tasty and yes, I could use a little pick-me-up just like that, right about now! ;o)
tenuta M.
March 4, 2013
Have you made soy milk? If so, any tricks to it?
March 12, 2013
Actually, I have not. That would be a great question for the FOOD52 Hotline! ;o)
Lauren R.
March 1, 2013
also for longer freshness fill your bottles to the brim. Less exposure to air longer self life.
Lauren R.
February 28, 2013
I have worked intensively with nutmilks. I found they last much longer if the nuts are soaked in the fridge.
March 1, 2013
Lauren, thank you so much for this post! I had no idea. I'll keep that in mind next time. ;o)
phyllis S.
February 27, 2013
There is a good book on this topic: Nut Milks by Candia Lea Cole, copyrighted 1990. What she does is use a spice mill to grind the nuts first. She also recommends adding ground flax to give some texture and of course added nutritional value. She never recommended soaking the nuts but it really is a good idea. She also adds Lecithin granules (need to be refrigerated). The Pine Nut Milk has got to be delicious but expensive. There are also recipes for Pumpkin seed, Sesame seed, and Sunflower seed milks. I also milk Poppy seeds!
February 27, 2013
Poppy seed paste is often used in Bengali cuisine for curries that call for a rich texture, love the creamy, buttery texture it yields. Do you use the white or the black poppy seeds?
phyllis S.
February 27, 2013
I use the black poppy seeds which produces a whitish milk. The white ones are traditionally used for pastries though I don't see why they would not work as well. Essentially any seed can be milked, or any nut. Was joking around the other day with some friends about how some of the economic problems in Afghanistan could be solved if they used the poppy seeds to make milk, seeing as how popular all the non-dairy milks are here and elsewhere!
March 1, 2013
Thank you, phyllis. I'll need to run that book down. It sounds so interesting! ;o)
phyllis S.
March 1, 2013
I made sunflower milk today with some almonds added. Put in some ground flax seeds and lecithin. I soaked too many and had to run it through the blender several times. It really only takes about 1/3 cup of seeds/nuts to about 3-1/2-4 cups water and I soaked 1 cup of seeds. Gulp. Now I'm trying to figure out what to do with the pulp.
March 1, 2013
add the pulp to a veggie burger mix of cooked quinoa,refried beans, panko & seasonings.
phyllis S.
March 1, 2013
Maybe. That sounds rather heavy. I'd add more vegetables if I were to do that. Skip the panko though as they all have additives. Panko is great though for a coating but not inside mixtures, for that, use breadcrumbs. The great thing about panko is the crispiness that it creates.
March 1, 2013
sorry, I shd have clarified.. yes the Panko is just for coating the surfaces!
February 27, 2013
AntoniaJames, I love all your contributions to Food52!!!
March 1, 2013
Sophiea, you are too kind. Love your blog, by the way! Sending the link now to my sister, also a painter and fabulous, SallyCan (whose handsome food-subject still life paintings decorate my law offices!). ;o)
phyllis S.
February 26, 2013
Good direction. You can also use the ground and strained nut meats a second time as all the juice is not yet out of them. Adding sweeteners is not always necessary but sometimes a thickener makes for a better mouth feel. You can research the ones you might like. I used to use soy lecithin but don't recommend it any longer.
February 25, 2013
Thanks so much! I am soaking both almonds and cashews right now to give this a try! Can't wait! How long will it keep in the fridge?
February 24, 2013
This looks wonderful. May I ask you where you got your milk jar-how much it holds and does it seal ? I noticed a red rubber seal. Thanks so much
Kristen M.
February 24, 2013
Hi there -- I believe we used this Weck Preserving Juice Jar, which holds 1062ml or about 36 fluid ounces: http://www.amazon.com/BlissHome-Weck-1062ml-Preserving-Juice/dp/B005DXWQHO/?tag=food52-20
February 24, 2013
May I ask where you got your cute jar and it looks like it has a lid that seals ? Or how does it attach? I noticed the red rubber ring. I'd love to get a couple--oh and how much does it hold? Thanks so much !
Janet L.
February 24, 2013
Can you make coconut Milk about the same way?
February 24, 2013
For coconut milk, I'd suggest getting the grated frozen coconut you get in Indian grocery stores and then proceed to blend them with warm/hot water to extract the milk. cold water tends to freeze the coconut oil, leaving messy globules about ( unless of course you want to buy a whole coconut, break i, & t scrape out the meat), The dessicated coconut from the shelves do not work that well.
Dina M.
February 24, 2013
thank you! what a revelation! so, so, so much more delicious than anything from a box. almondy perfection. I have a vitamin, so i used it, following same directions. drained with a nut milk bag. could not be easier! never going back!
February 24, 2013
LOVE THIS!! thanks Antoniajames
February 24, 2013
Thank YOU, panfusine! I've stirred almond milk into more than one of your beautiful recipes. ;o)
February 24, 2013
This is a terrific post! Homemade nut milk is so much better than store-bought. I usually make almond, but just picked up cashews to try. Great tip that they don't need to be strained, and now I'll add pistachios to my shopping list. Thank you for sharing!
February 24, 2013
Thanks, BKR! I find that with the cashew milk and pistachio milk, it's a good idea to test it for consistency before pouring it out of the blender. Some nuts are harder (drier, I guess) than others, so they soak the water up at different rates. I've been known to blend for an extra minute or so when making milks that are not strained. Also, it's important to scrape down the side of the blender to get the little bits into the mix. ;o)
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