
Socca: Will it Waffle?

February 12, 2015

Every other Thursday, we bring you Nicholas Day -- on cooking for children, and with children, and despite children. Also, occasionally, on top of.

Today: In which socca realizes it's never too late to realize its dreams.

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I know: waffles for dinner again.

But look: if you finish your waffle, you can have dessert.

Shortly after reading the inimitable Will It Waffle? -- the answer is yes, dear reader -- we happened to be making socca. We were in that stage of high waffle iron usage when all foods look pre-waffled, and Anya, the other grown-up in the house, looked up from the batter and said, Waffled socca?

Socca is a chickpea pancake from the south of France (or across the border in Liguria, where it goes by the name of farinata). It’s baked in hot oven, usually. But it was meant to be made in a waffle iron. And because of the tragic shortage of waffle irons in its native region, it is only now fulfilling its culinary destiny. 

It’s never too late to live your dreams, socca. 

I’d like to tell you that this waffled socca recipe involved a lot of brutal trial and error. But it mostly involved making a standard socca batter and then -- this step is crucial -- waffling it. The waffle iron leaves the socca crispy on both sides and just tender in the middle, an irresistible snack or side. 

And you get the waffle iron pattern thrown in for free.  

Socca Waffles 

Serves 4 as a side

1 cup chickpea flour
1 cup water
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon salt
Optional herbs or spices (see note)

See the full recipe (and save it and print it) here. 

Photos by Mark Weinberg

See what other Food52 readers are saying.

  • JadeTree
  • ktr
  • Fairmount_market
  • SallyM
I'm the author of a book on the science and history of infancy, Baby Meets World. My website is; I tweet over at @nicksday. And if you need any good playdoh recipes, just ask.


JadeTree February 14, 2015
::high five::
ktr February 13, 2015
My 3 year old loves breakfast foods so I am going to have to try this in an effort to get him to eat dinner for once.
Fairmount_market February 12, 2015
I can't wait to try this!
SallyM February 12, 2015
I love the socca in Old Town Nice. We wait for the socca to arrive by three wheeled motor bike. The hot socca is in a pan on a flat bed attached to the back of the bike. The man hands it over to the socca lady, she adorns it with salt, pepper and a little olive oil. The long line eagerly awaits its deliciousness. I tried this waffled socca. Dare I say it's better than the socca in Nice? Well, it's delicious and crispy. The only thing missing is the show...