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May 21, 2016
I'm from Kazakhstan where we bought raw milk and cream as a norm all my life. It is brought into the city by small farmers and sold right from their vehicles. Never heard of anyone getting sick. And real milk tastes AMAZING! American supermarket milk that has been treated in all these ways is tasteless and doesn't compare at all to how delicious milk really is.
Also, about antibiotics - I wonder how accurate your claim is that there is no traces of antibiotics in American milk. Cows aren't just given antibiotics when they are sick. Cow industry's consumption of antibiotics greatly surpasses human consumption.
Also, about antibiotics - I wonder how accurate your claim is that there is no traces of antibiotics in American milk. Cows aren't just given antibiotics when they are sick. Cow industry's consumption of antibiotics greatly surpasses human consumption.
May 21, 2016
I think that if you buy "organic" milk here in the US, then it's SUPPOSED to be free of hormones and antibiotics...?
Paul T.
November 22, 2018
And Kazakhstan has one of the highest incidences of Brucellosis in people. This is a nasty chronic disease caused by bacteria, and the most frequent method of contracting the disease is through drinking unpasteurized milk. So you were lucky!!
October 16, 2024
I absolutely agree! Raw milk is way tastier and so much more nutritious as one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet. Enjoying it for decades, never heard of anyone getting sick!
May 20, 2016
Well presented article. Thank you for the straightforward information. Appreciate it!
May 20, 2016
My mother in law contracted tuburculosis of the spinal fluid from drinking raw milk. She was in a body cast for a year and a half. At the time she was pregnant, for my husband. She went through extensive rehab an d physio while my husband was being raised by his grand parents. She recovered but that kind of treatment does change your life. It only takes 1 glass to change someones life. Pasterization was developed because it was needed.
May 20, 2016
I am so glad your mother-in-law and husband survived that tragic ordeal! Our Raw, grass fed, dairy tests and treats just as rigorously as a regular dairy. They are inspected by a FDA inspector every 2 weeks. Again, know your Farmer, know your dairy. We live in a community where about 20 families in the area raise their own milk cows, and enjoy raw milk. Never in 30 years has there been a disease. Tuberculosis is very, very rare outside of feedlot cattle. Green open pastures and relarionships are a must!
May 20, 2016
Raw! Fresh from the dairy. Know your Farmer or do it yourself. You can't do any of that from A chain grocer. I have been a lifelong Raw milk drinker and have raise my 6 children on it. More important on the leather scale though, is whether the aims are grass fed or if they have Grain in their diet. For more info, search Dr Josh Axe's website.
May 20, 2016
Please excuse my phone's auto correct adding all the typos...leather is supposed to be health...aims is supposed to be animals...
May 20, 2016
As a child growing up in England, our local farmer produced raw milk (what we called milk), bottled it and ran a small successful business delivering it door to door. This was the norm throughout most of England up until the 1980's. When I moved to America, our milk came from the grocery store and was pasteurized and a poor substitute for what I drank as a child. I now live next to a neighbor who has three cows and sells us two gallons of raw milk a week. It is fabulous. Anyone who has not tasted raw milk should note that the taste difference is profound. While pasteurization has its place, the process definitely changes the taste of any product for the worse.
Allan V.
October 19, 2017
I would like to say that pasteurized is the same as raw milk and as you say it is fabulous. Homogenized milk however is the worst milk that you can drink. it makes people sick etc. Same with many foods that come out.
May 20, 2016
For thousands of years people have consumed raw milk, yet pasteurization was introduced when the process became industrialized and contamination entered the scene. If organic or pesticide free produce is becoming the consumer preference, why would raw grass fed milk from local dairies be so much maligned? The processes of pasteurization and homogination sound much like the "process foods" that we are now realizing are a major contributing factor to obesity and metabolic syndrome. Little wonder few people can digest the stuff.
May 16, 2016
Well written and insightful article. It does matter and is very important to know that the milk you are drinking is pasteurized or treated in any other way. Here in India atleast there is a higher risk of milk adulteration due to its large demand and knowledge gap. I keep myself and my family away from this by not taking this from the local vendor but I source it from Pride of Cows. To finalise them, I fist visited their farm in Pune, made myself well accustomed to the process and then signed up with them. Due to door step delivery of these milk straight from the farm, people are relying more on them for their daily consumption.
April 21, 2016
I loved this article. Well presented, straightforward information in this article. I almost thought I was reading out of a professional journal for a moment, but realized quickly I wasn't! Good job.
April 21, 2016
Very balanced presentation of both sides of issues such as pasteurization and rBST. The side with evidence and the side with no evidence. LOL.
April 21, 2016
I enjoyed this post. It reminds me of breastfeeding. I was reading along thinking.. yes I have nursed while taking antibiotics, I have taken supplements to up milk production. I have pumped and worried about the conditions of the milk while bottled and in transport (to daycare etc). Same, but not really.
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