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September 5, 2024
I usually poach 4-6 eggs at a time so the simmering (vague description at best) water etc doesn't work for that many. I use plastic sandwich bags. I grease one corner with butter or marg or oil spread it around in the corner, crack the egg into the corner, partially close the bag leaving it slightly open on the opposite corner. Set the stove timer to 5mins and lower the bags into a vigorously boiling 6qt sauce pan of water draping the bag tops over the edge of the pot. when your timer gets down to 30secs remove the bags. scissor cut the bags just above the egg and let them slide out onto your toast. muffin or whatever you're serving them on. This method works well with any age of egg.
J R.
June 9, 2024
This method is the one I use with great success. I cannot improve on it but I do have a couple of suggestions on choosing eggs for poaching. First, the fresher the better. We have urban chickens and I like to poach eggs that are a day or two old. The albumen (white part when cooked) begins to soften after laying, causing the "ragged edges" when poached. The firmer the albumen the easier it is to achieve a good poached egg. So, if you don't have your own hens search for farm fresh eggs if available.
Second, the color of the eggs seems makes a difference. We currently have Ameracaunas only. They lay beautiful blue/green eggs that look a lot like footballs. While these eggs make very fine boiled that are easily peeled, the albumen is not as firm as in brown eggs. We used to have Rhode Island Reds who gave us big beautiful brown eggs. The albumen in a fresh brown egg is quite firm and poaches so well. The blue eggs still poach well when fresh but nothing beats a fresh brown egg. These characteristics may only apply to these two breeds of chickens but I think it would be true for all eggs of similar colors. A hypothesis worth exploring.
Second, the color of the eggs seems makes a difference. We currently have Ameracaunas only. They lay beautiful blue/green eggs that look a lot like footballs. While these eggs make very fine boiled that are easily peeled, the albumen is not as firm as in brown eggs. We used to have Rhode Island Reds who gave us big beautiful brown eggs. The albumen in a fresh brown egg is quite firm and poaches so well. The blue eggs still poach well when fresh but nothing beats a fresh brown egg. These characteristics may only apply to these two breeds of chickens but I think it would be true for all eggs of similar colors. A hypothesis worth exploring.
Sherry G.
June 9, 2024
Thank you so much! I have been searching for the perfect egg poaching recipe and this is it!
April 15, 2024
I do it this way most of the time also. So happy to see it in a recipe out here. Most of the time I don't bother to trim the eggs because I cook them in chicken broth (saw this 40 years ago eating at a buffet in Mexico). They are so so so good although honestly if you want the best .. (I am from the South) Fry a skillet of lightly floured Pork tenderloin and after removing add water to the pan, stir up the good bits, and just crack tons of eggs in the pan and cook exactly your way. It like your way with a twist.
November 13, 2023
Wow! Life changing recipe. Thank you! I've been struggling with poaching eggs for years and have tried everything; vinegar, salt, swirling, vinegar with the egg before the water, etc. These are the easiest and best poached eggs yet. Thank you thank you thank you!
Margaret K.
March 12, 2023
I just tried the recent Tik-Tok hack and it worked very well. Turns out those cute little Food52 borosilicate ramekins are perfect for the job: Arrange your ramekins (one for each egg) in a microwave plate or dish, add 1/4 inch water and a splash of vinegar if you like to each ramekin, then crack in your eggs. Gently add water until each yolk is covered. Transfer the dish to your microwave. Use a microwave cover "for insurance purposes", but do not, repeat DO NOT, use the lids that come with the ramekins (if they get blown off in the microwave, they will shatter and ruin your breakfast). Microwave for 1 minute, then check in 20 second intervals. Scoop out your finished eggs with a slotted spoon.
March 15, 2023
Did you read the article and try her method? You don’t need ramekins, vinegar, a microwave (wtf!) and all those unnecessary steps, you fool. Just put water in the pan, crack your eggs and time it for 4 minutes. She clearly articulated how effortless poached eggs were to make.
Margaret K.
March 15, 2023
I would not have commented unless I had long since tried the author's method, you fool. Things have come to a pretty pass when ladies on a cooking site call each other names.
robin L.
March 1, 2023
I'll try this again, but my first poached egg this way turned out odd. It looked good, but the yolk was kind of gummy. (And I don't think I overcooked it.)
February 26, 2023
Excellent article and recipe for poaching eggs. When I click on any of the side recipes (roasted asparagus with a poached egg), the recipe calls for vinegar in the water. Huh?
February 26, 2023
By getting Eggs Benedict at Metro 29 in Arlington, Virginia. Perfectly cooked and tasty! I’ve never done as well at home.
cynthia K.
February 25, 2023
I love poached eggs on a bed of fresh spinach, and trying to get them that way in a restaurant is usually impossible. Yet that is the setting where I first ate poached eggs that way. Spinach is a more forgiving platform than toast or muffins, so this method should be perfect.
April 17, 2022
I signed up for an account just to come here to the comments to say THANK YOU! for teaching me how to poach eggs! I’ve tried a couple different ways but it never worked out for me so I gave up. But I love eggs Benedict and the restaurants around me have been disappointing so I made it my mission this week to get it right. I’ve made poached eggs 2 days in a row and my eggs Benedict today was out of this world! I read through all the comments and even saw you mention that you could just put them all in at the same time. It’s true and it worked great for me! - a happy 27 year old who always left the eggs Benedict to restaurants, until now!
April 17, 2022
I signed up for an account just to come here to the comments to say THANK YOU! for teaching me how to poach eggs! I’ve tried a couple different ways but it never worked out for me so I gave up. But I love eggs Benedict and the restaurants around me have been disappointing so I made it my mission this week to get it right. I’ve made poached eggs 2 days in a row and my eggs Benedict today was out of this world! I read through all the comments and even saw you mention that you could just put them all in at the same time. It’s true and it worked great for me! - a happy 27 year old who always left the eggs Benedict to restaurants, until now!
January 30, 2022
I don't worry about trimming raggedy eggs--just leave that part in the pan or eat them! They are still edible, if not perfect looking. Also I boil the water high first, then lower it and cover--this speeds it up. I don't bother blotting the eggs, I just tilt the spoon so the water drips through.
November 23, 2021
WEll, I will continue to use vinegar. I LIKE the flavor that vinegar imparts to the poached egg. Mine always seem to be coked to perfection. My to my perfection, I guess. Nicely fried up whites, fry few strings and a nice runny yolk. Takes about the same amount of time as toasting my toast to perfection to put the egg on.....
June 26, 2024
Sorry, I can't understand your comments? "coked to perfection", "My to my perfection", "Fry few strings"...??? Also, you don't toast toast, you toast bread... to make toast. I think you need to lay off the turps Judy.
March 19, 2021
I have never found a clearer explanation of what not to do to get better poached eggs every time. Thank you
April 29, 2020
Decades ago I purchased an egg poacher, a slotted Teflon disk that fits into a pan, water comes to a boil, 3-5 minutes ..
Danny B.
April 29, 2020
I presser cook my hard boiled eggs for 2 minutes then cool them in ice water
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