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Helen A.
September 24, 2016
Mayukh! I was so surprised and delighted to stumble upon your byline here. Really, really excited to read your stuff -- food + pop culture, art, identity, etc. are some of the topics I find myself writing about quite a bit too. Would love to catch up with you sometime via phone or email and hear how things are going. Your fan, Helen
Yolanda T.
September 21, 2016
Welcome, it's nice to see another brown face. Love the article. Here's to more diversity!
September 19, 2016
Really happy about this article. And like another commentator, I rarely read through food articles, mostly skimming. I think it's a great idea. There are tons of people like this writer - - and by that I mean non-white. And also, tons of folks who are sophisticated about food but like (or need) to eat. Bravo!
September 17, 2016
Love this! First article I have read completely threw on this website. Not that I don't love food 52 it just drew me in and I'm glad it did. Have a great time in this new page. With love from Canada
sue M.
September 17, 2016
Welcome to the table. You've obviously got the writing chops. The only thing anyone needs to be informed about food is a curious interest. We all need to fuel ourselves. Why not make it a fun satisfying, cultural, historical, and social romp? I look forward to seeing this new world you discover and your perspective. Write on!
kristin T.
September 17, 2016
You come at it with a fresh new perspective and that is good. Food 52 cannot just appeal to seasoned types. BTW, I hate the word "tasty" (and the words "yummy" and "moist"). Consider yourself a foreign correspondent venturing into new territory (once you get used to it, you will get to love us natives!)
September 17, 2016
Hi Mayukh, you really got my attention man! I couldn't stop reading and can't wait to read more! Food52 must be a good bunch of people for hiring you! There's nothing wrong with white, but when brown and all the rest get a voice we're all more exciting for it. Looking forward to more !
Briana R.
September 16, 2016
Sooo much love here! Happy to have met you! I will be looking out for all your work on the site!
September 16, 2016
My guttural, ineloquent first response? YASSSS. So looking forward to reading your words here.
September 16, 2016
What an extraordinary breath of fresh air! Best of luck, and I look forward to hearing more from you, Mayukh.
Umara A.
September 16, 2016
Good luck M! You represent where so many of us were years ago or even stand today! I love food52 and I love them more for giving your curious, brown-self a seat at thier table. We come from a rich food background but to is it was just mom's cooking that wasn't cool. We just couldn't appreciate it at an age when adolescents are simply trying to fit in. So glad you don't fit entirely and are bringing a curiousity and humor that I will look forward to more!
September 15, 2016
Good luck, Mayukh! I think you'll make a great addition to this team. I can't wait to see more of your fresh perspective. Like the previous commenter said, you are totally living my dream! Go forth and live it well for the rest of us.
September 15, 2016
You are living my dream! I can't wait to see your future stories. I have always wanted to be a food writer, but fancy dining scares me too. I just want simple good food, nice atmosphere, easy and relaxing. So much is geared towards fine dining and fancy atmospheres, that the food gets lost in the chaos. It's a powerful industry.
Good luck!
Good luck!
Dirk S.
September 15, 2016
What an exciting perspective to bring to a food blog. You will open doors and windows to the perception of the food world most of us "regulars" never knew existed. I am sure of it and can't wait to see more from you.
Azza H.
September 15, 2016
Mayukh, thank you for pushing me to finally google "orange zest". It was a very winding search that took me through a variety of tools that provide optimum grating, how one "zests" (similar to "dish", that word) and, of course, when I can finally get my hands around a microplane and an orange. Summer is ending here in Cairo, Egypt, so oranges (about a dozen of them only) are tucked away in a corner of an inverted wooden pallet at that part of the market where you can smell the freshness seeping out of the produce. It's a zone that is to be avoided at all costs. Anyway. Summer also means that one particular citrus will be rolling into the souk in crates and crates: lemons. Or, to be honest, masquerading lemons that are actually over-ripe limes bursting with juice- proving them very hard to zest for fear of popping them and rendering them useless. Microplanes (even cheap ones that are obvious counterfeits of the trademarked ones) are very sharp. In hindsight, I should have seen that coming.
Looking forward to reading your articles about food and identity.
A fellow imposter (or is it impostor? Back to Google for me, I guess).
Looking forward to reading your articles about food and identity.
A fellow imposter (or is it impostor? Back to Google for me, I guess).
September 15, 2016
Yeah, cool. I like to look at those fancy-pantsy dishes. LOOK being the MAIN WORD. 8 inch, 3-layered cakes with marzipan are cool to look at, but make one, ---NO WAY. I'll take a 9x13 inch pan any time. What do you EAT? What do you WANT TO EAT?
I have a friend who gags at the thought of having to eat a beet. A beet! I can not get my head around that. I came here to Japan almost 50 years ago. And that 18 year-old-girl-who-had-never-eaten-fish-much-less-raw-fish was offered raw fish, RAW FISH!!, right off the bat. I felt an sea change. Without a quibble, I opened my mouth and ate. ...and ate. So enjoy your journey. Open your eyes, open your mouth and eat. Tell us about it. I'll be looking forward to it. ;-)
I have a friend who gags at the thought of having to eat a beet. A beet! I can not get my head around that. I came here to Japan almost 50 years ago. And that 18 year-old-girl-who-had-never-eaten-fish-much-less-raw-fish was offered raw fish, RAW FISH!!, right off the bat. I felt an sea change. Without a quibble, I opened my mouth and ate. ...and ate. So enjoy your journey. Open your eyes, open your mouth and eat. Tell us about it. I'll be looking forward to it. ;-)
Tammy N.
September 15, 2016
Okay Mayukh, I see you. Very nice indeed. I actually read the entire article, so yeah, that's a good thing. Congrats, welcome and keep being you, boo ;)
September 15, 2016
Everybody eats. Everybody who eats has opinions about what they're eating -- expert opinions, Grandma/folk/tried-and-true opinions, rookie opinions. Every opinion is just as valid as the next, as long as you're not trying to teach pressure canning or advanced knife skills. There is no cultural/tribal/ethnic litmus test for energy and enthusiasm (well, there SHOULDN'T be). You keep that crisp, curious style at the forefront of your writing and you'll do great. I look forward to reading more.
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