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August 11, 2017
We like to eat our fresh corn on the cob slathered with homemade pesto. It's a mess, your teeth can look and feel pretty scary, but among friends its the best, because it's freakin' summer! I'm sure it's why floss was invented.
July 21, 2017
I do both: off the cobb and Hokkaido-style. But: I do not eat my corn with butter and I think Hokkaido-style is not compatible with butter on the cobb. Instead, we grill or boil the cobs as is (no butter, no salt, no nothing, and we do not boil them to the point of them being muschy, like the pre-cooked corn cobbs found at the grocery store) and that is quite compatible with eating them Hokkaido-style. And it is actually quite fun: as a kid, the game was to try and have as many corn kernels sticking together as possible, and then we would gobble them down like peanuts.
tamater S.
July 21, 2017
I freaked when I read, "pre-cooked corn cobbs found at the grocery store" As a child, we weree sent out to the corn patch to pick 'X' number of combs for dinner, combs with the silk 'just so' (no brown silk). Even the city I lived in for several years had corn growing farms on the outskirts. For me, 3 days is OLD! I have to wonder if the people buying pre-cooked corn have had the good stuff?!
July 21, 2017
ha ha, I so understand what you mean! I will buy pre-cooked sometimes when the craving is there but fresh is not available and you wnat cobb and not frozen loose kernels, you know? That's what you get for living in the city. But I totally understand you :)
tamater S.
July 21, 2017
Well, I have bought frozen corn, and my two grandmothers who never lived in the country, (both terrible cooks, and couldn't care less) used to serve canned, what they called 'creamed corn' and my parents would shoot us the 'evil eye' lest we make comments like "Eeeeemwwww, what's this?!"
BTW, that corn would go with roast beef cooked to a cinder, and green beans or asparagus cooked to olive green, and drooping off the fork. Oy!
BTW, that corn would go with roast beef cooked to a cinder, and green beans or asparagus cooked to olive green, and drooping off the fork. Oy!
July 20, 2017
Off the cob! Messy, sticks in your teeth, butter dripping off your chin, one of the best summer traditions next to juicy watermelon.
Why all the articles on 'how to eat'?
I enjoy what you're writing but lately they've all been about how to eat ice bars, sandwiches, and now corn on the cob. I don't know I've been eating these things for over 60 years I've never been told I am eating wrong or should eat them differently and I've enjoyed every bite.
Why all the articles on 'how to eat'?
I enjoy what you're writing but lately they've all been about how to eat ice bars, sandwiches, and now corn on the cob. I don't know I've been eating these things for over 60 years I've never been told I am eating wrong or should eat them differently and I've enjoyed every bite.
July 20, 2017
When I was little, I ate my corn Hokkaido-style. It took awhile but made for neater corn cob and less mess. But primarily because at that age, I didn't have my 2 front teeth.
tamater S.
July 20, 2017
Interesting. I love eating off the cob, but my husband just hates it. Normally 'decobbing' is a messy job, but I will definitely try this tip out. Thanks, Mayukh!
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