
It's September—Let's Go Back to (Cooking) School

September  1, 2017

Samin Nostrat has literally written the book on mastering the elements of good cooking with her debut cookbook, Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat. Our Cookbook Club will be making its way through the New York Times bestselling book all throughout September, and we hope you'll join us.

As Nosrat says in her introduction, “this isn’t your typical cookbook.” There's not a photograph to be found, and she recommends reading it from start to finish—which means 213 pages of reading before you even get to the recipes.

If you don't have her book on hand just yet and are already feeling behind, not to worry. Earlier this year we held a Kitchen Confidence Camp and worked through the four essential elements of cooking found in Nosrat's book, along with writer, Caroline Lange. This month we'll be revising those lessons, one element at a time, so we can all explore them together in our own kitchens. First up, salt:

Lessons on Salt

Of course, lessons alone won't get you into the kitchen, so here are a couple of recipes from Nosrat, as well as a little bit about why she (and 12 others) have been making such a splash in the food world.

Psst: Didn’t know about our Cookbook Club? Head here to get up to speed on how to participate.

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I like esoteric facts about vegetables. Author of the IACP Award-nominated cookbook, Cooking with Scraps.